Hauptstrasse 97
D-69117 Heidelberg

Phone +49 6221 – 184086












Tues–Sun 11 a.m.– 6 p.m.











12 am
6 pm
Filmscreening & Bar Blau with Live-Music

An evening of film and live music! We begin with Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s episode from ‘Deutschland im Herbst’ (26min), which captures the political tensions of the 1970s.

Then we show ‘The Schleyer Tape, Part 1’ (55min), a moving film by Klaus vom Bruch about the kidnapping of Hanns Martin Schleyer by the RAF. Special highlight: Klaus vom Bruch will be there in person!

End the evening with live music at Bar Blau. Experience history, film and artists at first hand!

This event is the first in our programme of events “Once cruelty has reached a certain point, it doesn’t matter who did it: it just has to stop”. Other exciting film evenings, workshops and more on topical issues will follow in January.

4 pm
Qi Waschen – A sonic Qi Gong session
A fusion of performance, QiGong class and a sound art experience with Lee Berwick.
In traditional Chinese thought everything is energy in a state of vibration,
Sound and our bodies/minds consist of continuously vibrating energy,
Come and experience our minds, bodies and environment vibrating together as one.
Lee Berwick is both a QiGong practitioner and artist,
He teaches traditional QiGong for health and has also
developed a unique style of sonic QiGong which he
incorporates into his sound art practice.
6 pm
Opening: Bradley Davies ›Softener‹

Welcoming addresses by Friedemann Felger and Søren Grammel.
Followed by BarBlau (DJs & Party)

6 pm
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun ›Freiwilliges Engagement für den Klimaschutz: Die Klimabotschafter:innen der EU‹

Credits: Jale Tosun

For the past three years, people involved in the European Climate Pact have been able to be nominated as EU Climate Ambassadors. Who takes up this offer and who are the target groups of the Climate Ambassadors’ activities? These questions are the focus of this presentation, which looks at climate protection from the perspective of participation research and thus focuses on civic engagement. It complements the current discussion about people trying to draw attention to climate change and the need for action through protests. What can climate ambassadors:inside realistically achieve? These and other questions will be discussed in the discussion following the lecture.


Jale Tosun has been Professor of Political Science at the University of Heidelberg and Co-Director of the Heidelberg Centre for the Environment since 2015. She is co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Law and editor-in-chief of npj Climate Action, an open access journal dedicated to all aspects of climate action.

7 pm
Bar Blau

DJ sets, drinks and guided tours of the current exhibitions.

6 pm
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Jessica Ullrich ›We need other kinds of stories. Multispezies-Utopien in der Kunst‹

Credits: Jessica Ullrich

Art can imagine post-anthropocentric, solidary and multi-species futures in which animals are full members of society and in which animal individuality, agency, interests and needs are recognised. The lecture will present utopian human-animal coexistence projects and, through aesthetic animal-human collaborations, suggest how animals can be taken seriously in the future as creative actors in their world-shaping power.


Prof. Dr. Jessica Ullrich studied Art History, Art Education and German Studies in Frankfurt/Main as well as Cultural and Media Management in Berlin. She is currently an associate professor of aesthetics and art studies at the Kunstakademie Münster. She has previously taught at universities in Berlin, Erlangen, Flensburg, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Graz and Sao Paulo. Her research interests include animal-human relations in art and aesthetics. She is an editor of Animal Studies.

6 pm
Artist Talk: Sybille Neumeyer

Credits: S. Schmidt

SYBILLE NEUMEYER is an interdependent artist, curator and researcher focusing on ecological relations.


Her work is based on post-disciplinary research, collaboration, and non-linear, polyphonic (hi)storytelling. Through installations, walks, lectures and video essays, she explores the intersections of the loss of biocultural diversity, more-than-human health and the climate crisis.


Exhibitions (selection): Charité Berlin (DEU), Art Laboratory Berlin (DEU), Onassis Stegi (GRC), Kunsthaus Dresden (DEU), EXiS (KOR), ZKM Karlsruhe (DEU), Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (DEU).

5 pm
Guided Tour
2 pm
Guided Tour

Sofie Weber guides us through the current exhibition ›Tracing a Seeping Terrain‹. An interactive installation by the artist duo Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer.

6 pm
Lecture: Theresa Hößl ›Kampf ums Klima – Wird der Klimawandel vor Gericht entschieden?‹

Credits: Julian Beekmann

The European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, Volkswagen AG and Shell plc – all these and many more have already been sued by climate activists and NGOs for effective climate protection. The wave of climate lawsuits has been more or less successful: In the case of Shell plc, however, a Dutch court ruled that Shell must indeed reduce its CO2 emissions by about half. Is such a decision conceivable in Germany? Can climate change really be decided and fought in court?

Theresa Hößl is a doctoral candidate and research assistant at the Institute for Foreign and International Private and Commercial Law at the University of Heidelberg, chair of Prof. Dr. Marc-Philippe Weller. Her research focuses on the imputability of emissions in corporate groups and the value chain.

7 pm
Bar Blau

DJ sets, drinks and guided tours of the current exhibitions.

5 pm
Guided Tour
2 pm
Guided Tour

Sofie Weber guides through the current exhibition ›Tracing a Seeping Terrain‹. An interactive spatial installation by the artist duo Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer.

5 pm
Artist talk with Zanele Muholi (A Collab with Enjoy Jazz)

Celebrated by the international art scene, exhibited in major museums and galleries: Zanele Muholi’s work excites and inspires art lovers:inside the world. Growing up in South Africa’s queerphobic society, Muholi, who:identifies as non-binary, has made Black LGBTQIA* people visible through her:his art. The series “Somnyama Ngonyama/Hail the dark Lioness,” which has been shown at the Venice Biennale and the Tate Modern in London, among other venues, gathers proud portraits and self-portraits of people affected by prejudice and discrimination. Muholi thus gives them a face and a voice, opposes exclusion as a visual activist with artistic means.

In conversation, Zanele Muholi provides insight into her:his artistic work as a means of self-empowerment and a vehicle for healing and changing power structures in queer-phobic spaces.

The interview will be held in English.

The event is free of charge. You can register at: anmeldung@enjoyjazz.de.

12 pm
Workshop: Eco-Printing – Natural colours

The HDKV is exhibiting two artists who have dyed flags and fabrics with collected walnuts, bark and certain roots. We want to trace this technique. How do you dye a fabric a certain colour? And how does it work with patterns? Art educator Diana Frasek will show you how to achieve impressive results using natural dyes such as onion skins, turmeric powder and avocado peels.

Bring: Cloth bag or T-shirt.

Booking: admin@hdkv.de

Cost: €7 per person

5 pm
Guided Tour

Fabienne Finkbeiner guides through the current exhibition ›Tracing a Seeping Terrain‹. An interactive installation by the artist duo Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer.

2 pm
Guided Tour

Sofie Weber guides through the current exhibition ›Tracing a Seeping Terrain‹. An interactive installation by the artist duo Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer.

10:30 am
Workshop: Eco Spaces – Diving into ways of life

An exhibition as a game? You probably need some guidance. The art educators Johannes Immel and Jonathan Heger will accompany you: Performatively, the exhibition will be activated, characters will be taken over and a dialogue with the installation will be opened.

2 pm
Artist Talk: Eloise Bonneviot & Anne de Boer (EN)

Credits: Silke Briel

The Berlin-based artist duo uses interactive installations and performative works to explore the relationship between humans and other living creatures, climate anxiety and the construction of worlds. They develop analogue and virtual games that stage stories in the midst of ecological collapse.


Their exhibition at the Heidelberger Kunstverein, ›Tracing a Seeping Terrain‹, is their first one in Germany and represents the culmination of their work to date.


In conversation with curator Johanna Hardt, they give an insight into their working methods and explain the background to the exhibition.

8 pm
Bar Blau

DJ sets and drinks for the Opening of ›Tracing a seeping Terrain‹ and ›Winds of the Anthropozen‹.

6 pm
Opening ›Tracing a Seeping Terrain‹ by Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer

›Tracing the Seeping Terrain‹ is the first exhibition by Eloïse Bonneviot and Anne de Boer in Germany. It represents the culmination of their work to date and explores cultural responses to the ecological crisis through the mechanisms of play.

On 1.9. we will celebrate the opening with the artists and invite you to short speeches, drinks and music!

6 pm
Opening ›Winds of the Anthropocene‹

Films by Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Kyriaki Goni, Arjuna Neuman & Denise Ferreira da Silva, Sybille Neumeyer, Mimi Ọnụọha

With ›Winds of the Anthropocene‹, the Heidelberger Kunstverein presents five artistic films that explore biological and technological systems and examine the relationship between human and non-human history.

On 1.9. we celebrate the opening and invite you to short speeches, drinks and music!

3 pm
Finissage: Agnes Scherer ›Savoir Vivre‹

Last chance to visit the exhibition ›Savoir Vivre‹ by Agnes Scherer!
At 3 p.m. there will be an opportunity for an informal talk with Søren Gammel, curator of the exhibition and director of Heidelberger Kunstverein.

7 pm
Film at Karlstorkino: The Green Knight

In the context of the exhibition Savoir Vivre, ›The Green Knight‹ will be shown at the Karlstorkino. With an introduction by Mehveş Ungan (curatorial assistant at Heidelberger Kunstverein).
Based on the timeless Arthurian legend, ›The Green Knight‹ tells the adventurous story of Sir Gawain, a brave knight of the Round Table. To prove himself to his family, his people and ultimately himself, King Arthur’s nephew embarks on the journey of a lifetime to face the ultimate challenge: the fabled Green Knight, a giant, emerald-skinned stranger and tester of men.

›The Green Knight‹ is a fantastic tale of honour, love, destiny and the search for one’s true self, visually stunning and poetically directed by the visionary David Lowery.

8 pm
Bar Blau
2 pm
Guided Tour with Liane Wilhelmus

Liane Wilhelmus is an academic advisor at the Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Kunstgeschichte (Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art History).

6 pm
Discussion: How heteronormative were the medieval times?

The Middle Ages are often portrayed as an epoch in which social relations were firmly established, clear norms of behavior prevailed, and individual freedom counted for little. In medieval studies, this cliché has been successfully deconstructed for some time. From today’s perspective, it is astonishing how flexible and dynamic the social order of the Middle Ages was. But what about gender roles and identities in the European Middle Ages? Were patriarchal norms without alternative or competition? Or were there ambiguities and counter-models? The discussion will focus on the question of which gender concepts were negotiated in medieval art and literature.

PD Dr. Tobias Frese is an art historian and academic advisor at the Institute of European Art History at the University of Heidelberg. His research focuses on medieval art, especially in sacred contexts. His most recent work is on ambiguity in Christian iconography (“Images of Christophany, Brill Fink 2022).

Prof. Dr. Ludger Lieb is a Germanist and Professor of Early German Philology at the University of
University of Heidelberg. One of his main research interests is the courtly epic poetry of the
epic poetry of the High Middle Ages, with special emphasis on Hartmann von Aue and Gottfried von Strassburg. He has worked extensively on the various forms of love poetry.


Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Lea Daro will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

7:30 pm
Film at Glora-Kino: „Die Baroness und das Guggenheim: Die Geschichte der Hilla von Rebay“ (2004) made by Sigrid Faltin

mit anschließendem Gespräch mit der Regisseurin

5 pm

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Commichau will guide through the current exhibition by Agnes Scherer ›Savoir Vivre‹

Language: German.

Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

6 pm
Impulse Lecture: Mehveş Ungan ‘Targeting Masculinity: The Codpiece’

Staging the male body, showing off legs, hips and even sexual organs was part of the European ruler’s demonstration of power. A codpiece may seem alienating to today’s taste, but as a popular 15th-century fashion item it is evidence of the relationship between power and the body. The impulsive lecture examines the artworks to ask when the white heterosexual male becomes an invisible universal subject.

12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Jeanne Spriet will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

6 pm
Concert at the University of Heidelberg: Vasyl Kotys (Klavier), ›24 Préludes‹ von Fréderic Chopin

Programme of the exhibition ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.
The concert will feature a cycle of prints by Hanna Nagel, a long-time companion of Franz Moufang, in which the piece is incorporated.
The concert will take place in the Alte Aula, the historic building of the Old University.

12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Lea Daro will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

7:30 pm
Film at Gloria-Kino: “Peggy Guggenheim – Ein Leben für die Kunst” (2016) made by Lisa Immordino Vreeland
3 pm
Lecture: Heinz Bude ›What comes beyond the justifications? Contemporary art in search of its contemporaneity‹

Heinz Bude (*1954) studied sociology, philosophy and psychology at the University of Tübingen and the Free University of Berlin. In 1986 he completed his doctorate with a dissertation on the history of the impact of the flak helper generation and habilitated in 1994 with a paper on the history of the origins of the ’68 generation. He has been at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research since 1992 and head of the department ›The Society of the Federal Republic‹ since 1997. He has held professorships at the Free University of Berlin and at the Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder and in 1996 was a visiting scholar at the Center for European Studies at Cornell University. Since 2000 he has held the Chair of Macrosociology at the University of Kassel.

8 pm
Bar Blau
6 pm
Lecture: Dominik Rinnhofer ›Ökologie und Gameplay | Können Computerspiele helfen, die globale Erwärmung zu stoppen?‹

Can computer games help stop global warming? How do games influence our environmental behaviour? And how many resources do we use when we play? The exhibition ›Eco Games‹, curated by Dominik Rinnhofer, deals with these and other questions. What impulses can be derived from it for the connection between science, art, games and the environment?

Dominik Rinnhofer’s lecture will be followed by a discussion with Philipp Schrögel, Johanna Hardt and the audience.

Teaser for the exhibition ›Tracing the Seeping Terrain‹ (2.9.-5.11.2023), curated by Johanna Hardt.

In cooperation with the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies.

Prof. Dominik Rinnhofer is a media artist, scenographer and creative director. He teaches game design at the University of Applied Sciences Macromedia Stuttgart and is the founder of PXNG.LI Studios. The studios are known for interactive installations, projections for shows and events as well as serious and corporate gaming. His areas of expertise are: History of Media Art, Next Media and Digital Media Development, including Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Philipp Schrögel is a physicist and science communicator with degrees from the Universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Harvard. He is currently research coordinator and science communicator at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at the University of Heidelberg. His research and practice focus on creative and participatory forms of science communication with the aim of making science more accessible.


Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

6 pm
Lecture: Elke Anna Werner ›Atemräume. Harald Szeemann und die Ökologie des Kuratierens‹

For Harald Szeemann (1933-2005), breath became a central category of his curatorial work. Today, breath is once again attracting a great deal of attention among artists and curators. The lecture traces the various interests in breath as a biological process of the human body with simultaneously diverse social and political dimensions and asks about its potential for the future of ecologically oriented exhibiting.

Elke Anna Werner is professor of art history at the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. The lecture is based on her essay ›Die Ausstellung als Atemraum. Ecological Concepts of Curating by Harald Szeemann‹, in: Linn Burchert / Iva Resetar (eds.), Atem. Gestalterische, ökologische und soziale Dimensionen – Breath. Morphological, Ecological and Social Dimensions, Berlin 2021.

Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Lea Daro will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

5 pm
Curator Guided Tour with Søren Grammel
12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Klavdia Vashchillo will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

2 pm
Guided Tour with Liane Wilhelmus

Liane Wilhelmus is an academic advisor at the Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Kunstgeschichte (Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art History).

7 pm
Sharing more works / INTER-ACTIONS meets Kunstverein / Choreographer Julie Pécard and artist Neda Kovinic

INTER_ACTIONS is an innovative dance company based in Heidelberg that explores the experience of contemporary dance through various projects bridging the relationship between audience and performance. Heidelberger Kunstverein is hosting the format Sharing More Works that brings people together: Dance artists with creatives from other disciplines, people who make art and their audience. This time: Choreographer Julie Pécard and the artist Neda Kovinic. They will react to each other artistically, there will be a discussion and screeing. At the end Julie Pécard will give a workshop for the audience.

Julie Pécard is a dancer, choreographer and young mother. She completed her dance training in Vancouver at Arts Umbrella under the direction of Artemis Gordon. In the young ensemble Arts Umbrella Dance Company, she worked with choreographers such as Emily Molnar, Gioconda Barbuto and Crystal Pite. After graduating, she first worked for ProArteDanza in Toronto, then at the Kevin O’Day Ballet at the National Theater Mannheim and in various free projects. Since her time at the National Theater she has been creating her own works in the independent scene. In artistic cooperation with other choreographers pieces like UN/feminineFALL(IN)<-G and Triggers were created. Under her own direction, she premiered Proximal Distance winter 2021. Since the birth of her son Émile, her work has been shaped by the role of mothers in society. In working with dancers, personal imprinting is a guiding theme. Together with Jonas Frey she runs the Junior Dance Company at EinTanzHaus. As the board member of Flux e.V., she gives important impulses to the dance landscape in the Rhine-Neckar region.

Neda Kovinic born and based in Belgrade (Serbia) is currently a fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. Neda is working in intersection of theory, writing, choreography, videos and space. She reevaluate the possibility of mutuality, empathy, care, closeness, fair and non-competitive relationships among the artists she works with, as well as all other participants in the structure of production and presentation of artistic work. She is trying to act in the medium of the “art of loving” which is characterized by a slow tempo, multiple perspectives and which can embrace diversity, irrationality, wackiness and wit. Neda Kovinic’s works have been featured in: Tarnby Performance Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark (2023), Manifesta 14 Prishtina/Kosovo (2022); Memorial of Nadezda Petrovic, Cacak/Serbia
(2022); Artist’s Film International 2021 at Whitechapel Gallery, London/UK; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles/USA; Crawford Art Gallery, Cork/Ireland; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin/Germany (2021).


Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Lise Boulay will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

8 pm
Bar Blau
7 pm
Lecture: Sanna Tirkkonen ›The Rage of Lonely Men: Loneliness and Misogyny in the Online Movement of “Incels”‹ (in English)

The lecture investigates the relationship between loneliness and misogyny amongst the online movement of ›involuntary celibates‹ (incels) that has become widely known through several violent attacks.

Sanna Tirkkonen (PhD) is a researcher in philosophy at the University of Helsinki and a visiting researcher at Heidelberg University Hospital. In her work, she is interested in current phenomena in the contemporary society, issues of power, philosophy of emotion and experiences of not belonging. Tirkkonen also writes about visual arts and contemporary dance. In Finland, her texts have been awarded major literary prizes.

Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

12 pm

In the mood for some art during your lunch break?
Klavdia Vashchillo will guide you through the exhibition in 15 minutes. She is a student at the Institute for European Art History and part of the project ›The Social Network. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang‹.

6 pm
Opening: ›The Social Network. Guest Books of the Art Collector Franz Moufang‹

A cooperation with the Institute for European Art History at Heidelberg University

6 pm

Eine perfekte Gelegenheit für alle Anfänger:innen, die in die Welt des DJings eintauchen und die Grundlagen erlernen möchten –  von der Auswahl der Musik bis hin zum Mixen von Tracks und der Gestaltung von Sets.

Cost: 10 €
Registration: admin@hdkv.de
Bring along: Music on a USB stick

Jonah Mende is active in Heidelberg’s subculture. He is an organiser and DJ. Musically, he moves between rhythmic percussion sets (Amende) and uplifting disco music (Dengaboys).

Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

3 pm
Lecture: Günter Leypoldt ›The controversy surrounding Peter Handke’s Nobel Prize for Literature‹

Günter Leypoldt is professor of American Literature and Culture at the University of Heidelberg. His present research interests include transatlantic romanticism and modernism, American pragmatism, transculturality/transnationalim, the borders between aesthetic and religious experience, and the sociology of knowledge formation.

Language: German

5 pm
Curator Guided Tour with Søren Grammel
6 pm
Opening: Agnes Scherer ›Savoir Vivre‹
7 pm
Bar Blau
11 am
Garten Workshop (part 2): ›Plant Commons‹ with artist and radical-gardening expert Mikhail Lylov (EN)
at the Heidelberger Kunstverein's backyard

The workshop’s participants will study Masanobu Fukuoka’s teachings and plant various beds: Herb bed, perennial vegetables, Fukuoka’s “tsuchi dango” seed mix.

The number of participants per day is limited. Please register: admin@hdkv.de. Registration for only one day is possible.

Costs 15 € for one day, 30 € for both

Photo: © Elke Marhöfer & Mikhail Lylov, Hokusai 01, 2017


Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

2 pm
Garden Workshop (part 1): ›Plant Commons‹ with artists and radical-gardening expert Mikhail Lylov

at the Heidelberger Kunstverein’s backyard

The workshop’s participants will study Masanobu Fukuoka’s teachings and plant various beds: Herb bed, perennial vegetables, Fukuoka’s “tsuchi dango” seed mix.

The number of participants per day is limited. Please register: admin@hdkv.de. Registration for only one day is possible.

Costs 15 € for one day, 30 € for both

Photo: © Elke Marhöfer & Mikhail Lylov, Hokusai 01, 2017


Funded in the impulse programme  “Kultur nach Corona” of the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

3 pm

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Commichau will guide through the current exhibition Matter of Alliances by Marwa Arsanios.

Language: German.

3 pm
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Monica Juneja ›Images that hurt? A work of art fighting for recognition between cult and aesthetics‹

Monica Juneja is Professor of Global Art History at the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS) at Heidelberg University.

Her lecture is the first event in the lecture series “Controversies around the Arts” of the Thematic Research Network “Wissensgeltung” in cooperation with the Heidelberger Kunstverein. A lecture series of the University of Heidelberg.
With a moderation by Dr. Paul Buckermann.

Language: German

2 pm
Curator Guided Tour with Mehveș Ungan

Curator Mehveş Ungan guides through the current exhibition ›Matter of Alliances‹ by artist Marwa Arsanios.

3 pm
Reading: Dipesh Chakrabarty ›The Climate of History in a Planetary Age‹

Marcel Wälde and the curator Mehveş Ungan will read from the book ›The Climate of History in the Planetary Age‹ by Dipesh Chakrabarty and invite to a joint discussion afterwards.


For the past decade, historian Dipesh Chakrabarty has been one of the most influential scholars addressing the meaning of climate change. Climate change, he argues, upends long-standing ideas of history, modernity, and globalization. The burden of ›The Climate of History in a Planetary Age‹ is to grapple with what this means and to confront humanities scholars with ideas they have been reluctant to reconsider—from the changed nature of human agency to a new acceptance of universals.

Chakrabarty argues that we must see ourselves from two perspectives at once: the planetary and the global. This distinction is central to Chakrabarty’s work—the globe is a human-centric construction, while a planetary perspective intentionally decenters the human. Featuring wide-ranging excursions into historical and philosophical literatures, ›The Climate of History in a Planetary Age‹ boldly considers how to frame the human condition in troubled times. As we open ourselves to the implications of the Anthropocene, few writers are as likely as Chakrabarty to shape our understanding of the best way forward.


Language: German.

8 pm
Bar Blau
7 pm
artist talk: Monika Czyżyk

Monika Czyżyk is a visual artist based in Helsinki/Finland. Currently, she is a fellow at Akademie Schloß Solitude in Stuttgart. She will give a talk about her recent work. Her virtual reality piece „Mycelium Orgasm Report“ and her video “Organic Techno” (with Neil Luck) will be displayed only for a few hours, special for Bar Blau hours.

3 pm

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Commichau will guide through the current exhibition Matter of Alliances by Marwa Arsanios.

Language: German.

3 pm
Reading: ›A decolonial feminism‹ with the author Françoise Vergès

How does colonial ideology live on in Western societies? How to practice decolonialism? – We want to approach these questions together! We will dedicate ourselves to the book ›A decolonial Feminism‹ (2019) by Françoise Vergès, from which Johanna Hardt and Mehveş Ungan will read aloud. F. Vergès will join our conversation virtually.

Françoise Vergès is a renowned French political scientist, historian, film producer, curator, activist, and educator whose work focuses on postcolonial studies and decolonial feminism. In her book ›A decolonial Feminism‹ (2019), she engages with central themes of current feminist debates: from Eurocentrism and whiteness to power and exclusion. Here, she looks at the history of feminism, anti-racism, and contemporary activism.

*This event will be held in English. German Translation can be improvised.

6 pm
The veil inside by Rosanna Sirignano – Lecture and Discussion (in English/Italian)

With this autobiographical book the author, Rosanna Sirignano, tells her experience as an Italian Muslim who, in compliance with her own interpretation of tradition, wears the veil and adjusts her clothing to her belief, openly demonstrating her allegiance to Islam.

Over ten years, to each of which a chapter of the volume is dedicated, Sirignano writes about the evolution of the relationship with her spirituality, with the body, with the reality around her. The personal events become a starting point for reflections that embrace multiple topics, which make the volume perfectly real and current: from growing up in a religious community, to living life as an ›emigrant‹ to Germany , to homosexuality.

Rosanna’s story is also intertwined with the stories of the other Muslims she met during her life path: each of them, in its own way, becomes a piece in the construction of their perception of themselves, of her identity as a woman – a determined woman in her path first of studies and then professional, modern in every respect – Italian and Muslim. Together, his and other stories, return the fresco of the variegated world of Islam when: from the abstractness of religion, becomes the experience of Italians, Syrians and many other women (but also men!), made up of choices, traditions, contradictions

Rosanna Maryam Sirignano is an educator for personal development through Arabic language, culture and Islamic studies. In 2019 she founded MaryamEd Formazione Transculturale. She is member of the Islamic Cultural Center of Italy, she is active in various interfaith dialogue initiatives nationwide. She wrote and discussed her PhD in Islamic Studies at the University of Heidelberg where she was student assistant for the Start-up professorship in Transcultural Studies. She is involved in several conferences and initiatives on gender justice in Islam. She is the author of several scientific and informative article and of the book My Syria (La mia Siria) published by Villaggio Maori Edizioni..

5 pm
Curators Guided Tour
3 pm
Guided tour

Fabienne Finkbeiner, Master’s student in European and East Asian Art History, guides through the exhibition ‘Matter of Alliances’ of the artist Marwa Arsanios.

2 pm
Workshop for children: Painting, Scratching & Glueing

From collages to scratch paintings, there are no limits to creativity in this workshop.

In the context of the current exhibition ›Matter of Alliance‹ by the artist Marwa Arsanios, this workshop is offered for children between 6 and 12 years. Selected works by the Lebanese artist will provide inspiration.

For the 2-hour workshop, a fee of 2 € is requested to cover the cost of the materials. In individual cases, this can be waived.
Languages: German, English, Turkish and Italian.




Registration at admin@hdkv.de

3 pm

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Commichau will guide through the current exhibition Matter of Alliances by Marwa Arsanios.

Language: German.

7 pm
Cinema Night: ›Schlacht um Algier‹ (German Version) in Cooperation with the Karlstorkino


›Battle for Algiers‹ is a film by the Italian director and journalist Gillo Pontecorvo. Shot in 1966, the black-and-white film focuses on an episode of the Algerian war of independence against France from 1954 to 1962.



At the Karlstorkino, Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 3 69126 Heidelberg.

3 pm
Reading: ›Der Schleier‹ from Frantz Fanon


In Marwa Arsanios’ ›Reading Room‹, we turn to excerpts from Frantz Fanon, ›The Veil‹, 2017 (1959). The curator of the exhibition Mehveş Ungan will read aloud with Hannah Klein and will invite for a discussion. This will be followed by a screening of Arsanios’ film ›Have you ever killed a Bear or Becoming Jamila‹ about the Algerian fighter Jamila Bouhired.


Language: German

6 pm
International Women’s day: Reading: Forough Farrochzad

Selected poems in Persian and English, read by Elnaz Pegah.

In a country where for centuries women have lived silenced, diminished, and in the shadow of their men, Forough ol-Zaman Farrokhzad (1934-1967) broke all the rules. In her life, in her poetry and film, and at high cost, she claimed space and voice. The best of her work can stand with any poem written by any poet in any culture any time. She remains a beacon to artists, especially women and marginalized artists, who seek freedom in all its forms.

3 pm
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Renata Campos Motta, Feministische Solidarität in ländlichen Gemeinschaften

Campos Motta’s research focuses on the Brazilian resistance movement ›Marcha das Margaridas‹ and the ›popular‹ feminism it represents. The group is led by feminist activists from rural unions who rebel against inequalities between gender, class, and urban and rural life. In their efforts, they collaborate with other social movements and transnational partners, such as the ›World March of Women‹. Explicitly, Campos Motta analyzes the role of political identities in coalition building whilst drawing on poststructural and postcolonial theories of feminism. She highlights that ›Marcha das Margaridas‹ expands the agenda of popular feminism through its intersectional approach as well as its cooperation with other political leftist movements.


8 pm
Bar Blau

Simultaneously, an artist’s film by Cholud Kassem will be shown in the studio.

6 pm
Film Screening: Cholud Kassem presents ›Studio visits in an unusual time‹



Video, 60 min.


Six artists from Baden-Württemberg are interviewed about their work during the pandemic. The interviews took place in the respective studios and were conducted by Cholud Kassem in November-December 2021.
Funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, Baden-Württemberg.


Camera and concept: Cholud Kassem




7 pm
Afterwork Yoga with Breanna (in English)

This class will be gentle movement with gentle deep breathing to soothe the body’s nervous system.


cost: 10€

language: English

3 pm
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Darrel Moellendorf Mobilizing Hope, Climate Change and Global Poverty (in English)

In this talk, Prof. Dr. Darrel Moellendorf will present  his book ›Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty‹ published in 2020. From a philosophical perspective, he develops an alluring approach to climate justice. He focuses on the prevalence of global poverty and argues for a hopeful climate policy. Because while climate change threatens to push millions of people into poverty and hunger, a new generation of activists is raising hope. Moellendorf believes in the productive force and urges not to completely give up on the idea of a world in which international cooperation manage Earth systems sustainably. He proclaims hope as the way to act in the era of pervasive human planetary impact. . In his talk, he presents his revolutionary vision of economic justice.

3 pm
Curator’s Guided Tour with Søren Grammel & Mehveş Ungan
3 pm
Artist Talk Marwa Arsanios

Curators Søren Grammel and Mehveş Ungan talk with artist Marwa Arsanios about her activist practice and her artistic research on ecofeminism. How do women organize their lives in places where the state fails or even is the aggressor? How to consider non-violence or militancy, when it comes to necessary armed struggle? What can we learn from this kind of solidarity among women? How can we understand  our interdependence with each other, animals and the environment?What does artistic research have to offer in this regard?

6 pm
Opening: Marwa Arsanios

8 pm
Bar Blau

For the opening of the exhibition ›Matter of Alliances‹.

5 pm
Finissage Simon Denny: Game round and discussion with Käte Hamburger Kolleg für Apokalyptische und Postapokalyptische Studien (CAPAS)

Extractivism/exploitation of resources: taken to extremes in ›Extractor‹ by Simon Denny, a common game mechanic in many board games. Extractivism and apocalypse combine in the (post-)apocalyptic as well – on the one hand as destruction of environments through mining, or on the other hand in resource exploitation as livelihood and cause of conflict in post-apocalyptic worlds. Philipp Schrögel shares some thoughts on these aspects with a brief input and introduces some board games. Afterwards, we will have a chance to test ›Extractor‹ and other board games with us and with each other in a game round!

CAPAS questions how end-time scenarios affect societies, individuals, and environments through fellows from all over the world.

4 pm
Finissage Simon Denny: Artificial intelligence in context: Lecture by Ariana Dongus in conversation with Mark Fischer

Ariana Dongus is a media scholar and researcher based in Berlin. She criticises today’s digital economies by exploring the intersection of biometrics, colonialisms, new forms of labour, and artificial intelligence. Her talk addresses biometric measurements in refugee camps. Are these ›technological achievements of the ‹ actually byproducts of colonial practices? A conversation between Mark Fischer and Dongus will follow. Fischer is currently teaching a seminar, ›Introduction to the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence‹, at the Philosophy Department of Heidelberg University.

3 pm
Finissage Simon Denny – Artist talk: Ofili Ebube Sett (in english)

Ofili Ebube Sett (b. 1985, in Nigeria) currently holds a scholarship at the Akademie Solitude in Stuttgart (until February 2023). In 2018, he graduated from the University of Lagos/Nigeria with a BA in Educational Psychology. In his interdisciplinary work as an artist, programmer, entrepreneur, researcher, and consultant, he is particularly interested in the use of digital art in education and its impact on human behaviour and mental well-being. For the finissage of the exhibition by Simon Denny, Ofili will give us insights into video games for educational purposes.

7 pm
Workshop: ACT ONLINE (Part 2/2)
With Christina Bauernfeind (performance artist 
and art educator) and guest Amal Hashem (activist).

On our second date we will deal with protest 
experiences in Germany and the importance 
of digital networking. 
We are happy to welcome Amal Hashem as a guest 
with whom we can exchange ideas.

Registration: admin@hdkv.de


4 pm
Wine tasting and guided tour with 
Diana Frasek and Sophia Scheiblreiter.
Cost: €35 | Members + students 30 €

6:30 pm
Workshop: ACT ONLINE (Part 1/2)
with Christina Bauernfeind (performance artist 
and art educator) & guests Artin and Daria Keshani.

At our first appointment, we will focus on current 
events and the role of digital networking in Iran. 
We are happy to welcome Artin and Daria Keshani 
as guests. 
We will exchange ideas with both of them and 
may share your wealth of experience with 
how up-to-the-minute online platforms 
provide the connections to and from Iran.

Registrations: admin@hdkv.de

5 pm
Curator’s Guided tour with Johanna Hardt DE
3 pm
*moved to Jan 23 // Extractivism and apocalypse
Impulse lecture and discussion round 
with Käte Hamburger Kolleg für Apokalyptische 
und Postapokalyptische Studien (CAPAS)
5 pm
Guided tour with Mehveş Ungan TR
5 pm
Artist talk with Katinka Eichhorn and Jordan Madlon
In the production of their wall objects, the two artists adhere to the principles 
of painting and drawing processes. 
At the same time they free themselves from the limitations of medium-based clichés. 
The interview will be conducted by curator Johanna Hardt.
3:30 pm
The worlds of documenta (1955-2022)
Controversies about a major cultural event
A panel discussion with experts

Nanne Buurman (Kunsthochschule Kassel) Aleksandra Barjaktarević, 
Dr. Paul Buckerman
moderated by Prof. Dr. Henry Keazor
Before the event, a short tour of the exhibitions with Mehveş Ungan M.A.
8 pm
Bar Blau
DJ sets, Drinks and Guided tour with Diana Frasek

3 pm
Guided tour with Roberta Pfingsten IT
5 pm
Curator’s Guided tour with Søren Grammel DE
6:15 pm
Artist talk – Alexandra Hunts

Alexandra Hunts gives a talk on her artistic practice. This event will be held in English.

Physical processes are the primary focus of the photographs, sculptures and sound works by Alexandra Hunts (*1990 in Lviv, Ukraine) who collaborated with IsoQuant scientists in Heidelberg at the beginning of 2022 and is now presenting her work at the HDKV.
Fascinated by the transition between a Soviet-style communism and market economy her work emphasizes the economic disposition between East and West, as well as between technology and manual labor and ideas of science and progress.
Each of her projects starts with research into a topic, which often leads to an entangled discourse consisting of social, historical, scientific and political narratives.
Alexandra Hunts often get in touch with scientists, follow their processes and ideas, and develop a long-term dialogue. For her this method is a way to link physical processes and theoretical research thought photography, sculpture, video, installation and performance. Threads of post-Soviet ideology, principles of physics, and industrial sensibilities frame the larger, more difficult questions of meaning, time, and boundaries. Each of her works is situated in a web of research anchored in her personal heritage.

3 pm
Guided tour with Marcel Wälde DE
2 pm
Artist talk I Simon Denny with Kolja Reichert

Join us at Heidelberger Kunstverein for a conversation with artist Simon Denny about his new exhibition ›Merge‹.
Art critic and author Kolja Reichert will raise questions. Accompanied by Søren Grammel (director) and Mehves Ungan (curatorial assistant)

Simon Denny (*1982 Auckland, New Zealand) lives and works in Berlin. He makes exhibitions that unpack the social and political implications of the technology industry and the rise of social media, startup culture, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, using a variety of media including installation, sculpture, print and video. He studied at the Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland and at the Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main.

Kolja Reichert (*1982) wrote articles for all major german newspapers and art magazines, he worked as an art editor for ›Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung‹ and ›Sonntagszeitung‹. Since 2021 he has been program curator for discourse at ›Bundeskunsthalle‹ in Bonn, where he moderates the Talk-Series STUDIO BONN. Simon Denny‘s works are partly discussed in his books ›Krypto-Kunst. NFTs und Digitales Eigentum‹ in the series ›Digitale Bildkulturen‹ by Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, in 2022 in book ›Kann ich das auch? 50 Fragen an die Kunst‹ by Klett Cotta.

6 pm
Opening Simon Denny | Katinka Eichhorn, Jordan Madlon
7 pm
Artist talk + DJ Set in collaboration with Enjoy Jazz

On Saturday, October 1, there will be an artist talk and DJ set at the Heidelberger Kunstverein with the outstanding Mexican photo artist Iñaki Bonillas, this year’s partner of Enjoy Jazz’s artist cooperation for the festival poster. The event will be hosted by the director of the Heidelberger Kunstverein Søren Grammel, who will introduce the event together with Enjoy Jazz festival director Rainer Kern. The conversation will be led by journalist, publicist and publisher Maxi Broecking, who has been curating the series for Enjoy Jazz since the cooperation with Norwegian artist Frida Orupabo in 2021. For Bonillas, who was born in Mexico City in 1981 and whose works have already been shown at the Saõ Paulo Biennial and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the art form of jazz is closely linked to his biography and his artistic practice. This year’s Enjoy Jazz festival poster, titled “Soundtrack For A Still,” depicts the artist’s father, who died at an early age and left the young Bonillas his extensive jazz record collection, which he continues to this day. On this evening, he will put on the recordings that shaped him and his work and give a deeper insight into his work. This event is for free. Admission 6:30 pm.

2 pm
Guided tour with Mehveş Ungan
5 pm
Finissage: Reading / Silvia Federici

Vacuum pumps, animal experiments, basic science… Alice Creisher’s exhibition has raised many questions. For the finissage we will read excerpts from Silvia Federici’s book “Beyond Our Skin. Body as a contested site in capitalism”. The readers are Hannah Klein and Mehveş Ungan.

Text basis: Silvia Federici, Beyond Our Skin. Körper als umkämpffter Ort im Kapitalismus, UNRAST- Verlag, Münster 2020.

2 pm
Guided tour with Christina Bauernfeind
8 pm
POSTPONED Bar Blau + Guided tour with Christina Bauernfeind
5 pm
Lecture by Dr. Susana Rocha Teixeira and Talk with Philipp Timischl

Susana Rocha Teixeira will give a lecture on US self-optimization culture, the embodiment of the American dream, and masculinities. This will be followed by a panel discussion with artist Philipp Timischl about his approach to stardom.

Susana Rocha Teixeira is a postdoctoral research associate in the DFG Research Training Group “Authority and Trust” (GKAT). She completed her PhD in American Literature and Culture at Heidelberg University “summa cum laude” in 2019. Her thesis titled “The American Makeover Culture and Masculinities: Roots, Connections and Representations” explores (fictional) representations of hegemonic masculinity in cultural products that employ makeover aesthetics, tropes or narratives in order to analyze how males resorted to forms of makeover in order to forge and reassert their masculinity and thus by extension reaffirm conventional notions of masculinity and national identity, especially during times of ‘crisis.’

2 pm
Guided tour with Mehveş Ungan TR
11 am
Meeting point – Documenta Fifteen

Documenta Fifteen

Exclusively for members. Visit the Documenta Fifteen in Kassel with curators and the director of the Hdkv. For more information and to sign up: kuratorische.assistenz@hdkv.de.

2 pm
Guided tour with Johannes Immel
11 am
Meeting point – Frankfurt am Main: Marcel Durchamp MMK
2 pm
Guided tour with Johannes Immel
2 pm
Dialectic Exhibition Tour

We guide you through the exhibition to Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer and Céline Condorelli. Free entry.

2 pm
Dialectic Exhibition Tour

We guide you through the exhibition to Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer and Céline Condorelli. Free entry.

2 pm
Dialectic Exhibition Tour

We guide you through the exhibition to Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer and Céline Condorelli. Free entry.

2 pm
Dialectic Exhibition Tour

We guide you through the exhibition to Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer and Céline Condorelli. Free entry.

5 pm
Curator’s Guided Tour with Søren Grammel DE
2 pm
Dialectic Exhibition Tour

We guide you through the exhibition to Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer and Céline Condorelli. Free entry.

3 pm
Reading by Alice Creischer (with ​Søren Grammel, curator)

Alice Creischer reads her texts to accompany the exhibition opening of ›The Establishment of Matters of Facts‹ on June 12th. at 3 p.m. at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.

2 pm
Dialectic Exhibition Tour with Roberta Pfingsten IT

We guide you through the exhibition to Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer and Céline Condorelli. Entry free.

Una visita guidata attraverso le opere di Philipp Timischl, Alice Creischer e Céline Condorelli.

4 pm
Opening of the solo exhibitions by Alice Creischer, Céline Condorelli, Philipp Timischl

with speeches, Bar Blau, DJs, buffet and drinks in the garden of the Heidelberger Kunstverein


Greeting: Dr. Steffen Sigmund, First Chairman; Mayor Wolfgang Erichson

Introduction: Søren Grammel, Director

2 pm
Guided tour with Christina Bauernfeind
2 pm
Guided tour with Susan Mönch TR
6 pm
Long Night of Photography

2 pm
Guided tour with Constance Jame FR
8 pm
Bar Blau

On the first Thursday of the month, Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein is hosted by Elena Sidorenko and Patrick Trappendreher: On offer are drinks, local Dj acts, and short guided tours of the Changing Ecosystems exhibition.

Short guided tours 20:30 and 21:30
Cost: free (admission: Pay What You Want)

2 pm
Guided tour with Marcel Wälde EN
2 pm
Guided tour with Diana Frasek DE
2 pm
Guided tour with Christina Bauernfeind DE
2 pm
Guided tour with Roberta Pfingsten IT
8 pm
Bar Blau

On the first Thursday of the month, Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein is hosted by Elena Sidorenko and Patrick Trappendreher: On offer are drinks, local Dj acts, and short guided tours of the Changing Ecosystems exhibition.

Short guided tours 20:30 and 21:30 DE
Cost: free (admission: Pay What You Want)

11 am
Introduction to ›Changing Ecosystem‹ by curator Iris Sikking
2 pm
Guided tour with Christina Bauernfeind DE
10 am
Opening ›Changing Ecosystems‹

Welcoming words by Søren Grammel and introduction by Iris Sikking

2 pm
Guided tour with Johanna Hardt DE
›Changing Ecosystems‹
2 pm
Guided tour with Christina Bauernfeind (ger.)

Christina Bauernfeind is giving a tour through the current exhibition. It will be in German and free of charge.


2 pm
Guided tour with Marcel Wälde (engl.)
in english

Marcel Wälde is giving a tour through the current exhibition. It will be in English and free of charge.

7 pm
*canceled | ›Tafelrunde‹ with a talk by Prof. Dipl. Ing. Bernd Kniess
2 pm
Guided tour with Marcel (ger.)

Marcel Wälde is giving a tour through the current exhibition. It will be in German and free of charge.

2 pm
Guided tour with Roberta Pfingsten (ital.)

Il team HDKV propone visite guidate pubbliche, gratuite e in varie lingue. Roberta Pfingsten, mediatrice culturale, vi accompagnerà oggi attraverso la mostra in italiano.

8 pm
Bar Blau!
Art and Drinks!

Bar with Patrick Trappendreher and Elena Sidorenko

Guided tours with Christina Bauernfeind and Diana Frasek

For events and guided tour: recovered or vaccinated + negative PCR or rapid test result.

7 pm
Tafelrunde with Ton Matton: Performative Urbanism or potemkin villages / Improvisation as urban strategy (in German)
Talk by Ton Matton & Discussion (in German)
7 pm
Opening Facing New Challenges: Cities

Sascha Keilholz, director IFFMH
Carl Zillich, curatorial director IBA Heidelberg

Ursula Schöndeling, director HDKV and Maya Schweizer, artist and co-curator

2 pm
Guided Tour with Johanna Hardt
in english

Johanna Hardt, curatorial assistent, will give a guided tour through the exhibition ›Idealverein‹ and ›Drawings and Sculpture‹. The tour is free of charge.

2 pm
Limited Access: Idealverein

Due to an event from 2–6pm, visiting Mike Bourscheid’s installation ›Idealverein‹ is only partially possible that day.
We apologize for the inconvenience!


8 pm
Bar Blau!
Guided Tours and Drinks!

The Bar will be open from 8 pm. Guided Tours (in german) will start from 8:45 pm.


10 am
LOST BODIES – Urban Encoutners
Edan Gorlicki/INTER-ACTIONSHeidelberg

After experiencing the lock-down of cultural life, in LOST BODIES – URBAN ENCOUNTERS, dancers reinhabit diverse cultural locations in Heidelberg. In the time of closed theaters, clubs and studios, dance as a live experience became almost invisible. Now our bodies are back and charged and have a lot to offer. LOST BODIES – URBAN ENCOUNTERS is a three-day event that invites you to move with us through the city of Heidelberg on September 10, 11 and 12. You are invited to arrange your own routes freely, meet other people and discover dance again at the most under-visited cultural places in town.

Along the Neckar, through the old town or in more secluded areas? At the moment we are in communication with our location partners so that you can experience the perfect route. The schedule and venue plan can be bought from August 25 for 5 EUR at P11 Café Bar am Römerkreis.

more Information

10 am
LOST Bodies – Urban Encoutners
project by Edan Gorlicki/INTER-ACTIONSHeidelberg

After experiencing the lock-down of cultural life, in LOST BODIES – URBAN ENCOUNTERS, dancers reinhabit diverse cultural locations in Heidelberg. In the time of closed theaters, clubs and studios, dance as a live experience became almost invisible. Now our bodies are back and charged and have a lot to offer. LOST BODIES – URBAN ENCOUNTERS is a three-day event that invites you to move with us through the city of Heidelberg on September 10, 11 and 12. You are invited to arrange your own routes freely, meet other people and discover dance again at the most under-visited cultural places in town.

Along the Neckar, through the old town or in more secluded areas? At the moment we are in communication with our location partners so that you can experience the perfect route. The schedule and venue plan can be bought from August 25 for 5 EUR at P11 Café Bar am Römerkreis.

more information

3 pm
Artist Talk Mike Bourscheid and Linda Matalon

Mike Bourscheid and Linda Matalon will be presenting their artistic practice and talk with Ursula Schöndeling about their respective solo shows. Followed by an audience Q&A.

7 pm
Opening: Mike Bourscheid and Linda Matalon

10 am
LOST BODIES – Urban Encounters
project by Edan Gorlicki/INTER-ACTIONSHeidelberg

After experiencing the lock-down of cultural life, in LOST BODIES – URBAN ENCOUNTERS, dancers reinhabit diverse cultural locations in Heidelberg. In the time of closed theaters, clubs and studios, dance as a live experience became almost invisible. Now our bodies are back and charged and have a lot to offer. LOST BODIES – URBAN ENCOUNTERS is a three-day event that invites you to move with us through the city of Heidelberg on September 10, 11 and 12. You are invited to arrange your own routes freely, meet other people and discover dance again at the most under-visited cultural places in town.

Along the Neckar, through the old town or in more secluded areas? At the moment we are in communication with our location partners so that you can experience the perfect route. The schedule and venue plan can be bought from August 25 for 5 EUR at P11 Café Bar am Römerkreis.

more information

2 pm
Guided Tour with Christina Bauernfeind
Vivian Greven

Discover Vivian Greven’s solo show with Christina Bauernfeind who is studying philosophy and art history at the University of Heidelberg.

2 pm
Guided Tour with Diana Frasek
Vivian Greven

Discover Vivian Greven’s solo show with Diana Frasek, teacher and part of the HDKV education team.

8 pm
Bar Blau and Guided Tours
Art and Drinks!

Enjoy an informal evening with special drinks and guided tours through the exhibition!

8 pm Opening: Bar!

8:45–9:15 pm guided tour

9:30–10:00 pm guided tour

2 pm
Guided Tour with Christina Bauernfeind
Vivian Greven

Discover Vivian Greven’s solo show with Christina Bauernfeind!

2 pm
Guided Tour with Roberta Pfingsten (Italian)
Vivian Greven

Discover Vivian Greven’s solo show with Roberta Pfingsten. The tour will be in Italian.

8 pm
Bar Blau and Guided Tours
Drinks and Art!

Enjoy an informal evening with special drinks and guided tours through the exhibition!

8 pm Opening: Bar!

8:45–9:15 pm guided tour

9:30–10:00 pm guided tour

2 pm
Guided Tour with Johanna Hardt
Vivian Greven

Discover Vivian Greven’s solo show with Johann Hardt, curatorial assistant at Heidelberger Kunstverein.


7 pm
Opening Vivian Greven

Vivian Greven is one of the most prolific young painters in Germany. Her works take their cue from representations of the ideal human form: As source material, she takes virtual reproductions of sculptures from Classicism, Baroque, and the Renaissance that reinstate concepts of beauty prevalent in classical antiquity. The figures she finds inhabit the canvas with glowing luminosity, coupling ancient greek ideas with contemporary digital aesthetics. Oscillating between different visual vocabulary, Vivian Greven’s paintings allure with an evocative, at times, even unsettling aura.

12 pm
Closing Event and Announcement of the recipient of the WERK.STOFF painting award
›WERK.STOFF painting award‹
8 pm
Concert: ›The Human Zodiac‹
in cooperation with KlangForum Heidelberg

Sidney Corbett: Utopie und Nähe (utopia and proximity), for 6 voices and violin solo, 2020
Hanna Eimermacher: Korva Wanturi, for 8 voices and installation, 2021
Michael Pelzel: Luna, for 8 voices and percussion, 2021


SCHOLA HEIDELBERG | ensemble aisthesis, violin solo: Nurit Stark
directed by: Ekkehard Windrich


There is no such thing as a ›human zodiac‹, but every image of the cosmos is also an image of the world. Sidney Corbett’s commissioned piece functions as a satellite for the first ›BIENNALE for New Music in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region‹ taking place across Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen in June. The theme ›Concrete Utopias‹ paves the way for contemporary explorations of Ernst Bloch’s philosophy. All three commissioned works will premier the weekend of the 12th and 13th of June.


Advance booking via the KlangForum website or booking offices


2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Annerose Müller
›WERK.STOFF painting award‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Annerose Müller will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Marcel Wälde (german)
›WERK.STOFF Painting Award‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Marcel Wälde will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Tour with Diana Frasek (german)
›WERK.STOFF Painting Award‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour!

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Annerose Müller (german)
›WERK.STOFF Award for Painting‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Annerose Müller will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Susan Mönch (turkish)
›WERK.STOFF Award for Painting‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Susan Mönch will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Johanna Hardt (german)
›WERK.STOFF Award for Painting‹


Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Johanna Hardt will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Diana Frasek (german)
›WERK.STOFF Award for Painting‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Diana Frasek will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

11 am
Last chance to see!
Visit today by appointment 06221/184086 or hdkv@hdkv.de
2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Johanna Hardt (german)
›WERK.STOFF Award for Painting‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Diana Frasek will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Opening: WERK.STOFF Painting Award

Welcoming words: Prof. Dr. Henry Keazor, Vice Chairman, Heidelberger Kunstverein / Friedemann Felger, Executive Board of Andreas Felger Kulturstiftung

Introduction: Ursula Schöndeling, director

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Johanna Hardt (german)
›We are here – Wir sind hier‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Johanna Hardt will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Annerose Müller (german)
›We are here – Wir sind hier‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Annerose Müller will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Diana Frasek (german)
›Wir sind hier – We are here‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Diana Frasek will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de

11 am
Visit on short notice via appointment over phone

The following Corona measures will apply again in Heidelberg from Friday, March 19.

Museums, galleries, memorials, zoological and botanical gardens can only be visited by appointment whilst leaving contact details.
Visits can be booked at short notice over the phone: 06221 184086
Monday to Friday from 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 11 am – 5 pm
Outside the stated hours, you can leave a message on the answering machine providing your telephone number

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Johanna Hardt
›Wir sind hier – We are here‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Johanna Hardt will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting, in which you can participate from the browser, Zoom Desktop or Zoom Mobile. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de 

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Susan Mönch (turkish)
›Wir sind hier – We are here‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Susan Mönch will guide you through the exhibition in turkish.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting, in which you can participate from the browser, Zoom Desktop or Zoom Mobile. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de 


2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Diana Frasek
›Wir sind hier – We are here‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Diana Frasek will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting, in which you can participate from the browser, Zoom Desktop or Zoom Mobile. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de 

2 pm
Guided Virtual Tour via Zoom with Annerose Müller
›Wir sind hier – We are here‹

Experience the exhibition with our art mediation team in a virtual tour! Today Annerose Müller will guide you through the exhibition.

After registration, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom Meeting, in which you can participate from the browser, Zoom Desktop or Zoom Mobile. This offer remains free of charge.

Registration at: hdkv@hdkv.de 


10 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 m, HD-Video, Sound


Watch film!


Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018, 15:55 min) is set in the year 2029: All oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have become so–called death zones. The only beings that can still live in them are poisonous jellyfish. The government is trying to hide this environmental disaster from the public. The film follows the helicopter pilot Silverocean, who embarks on a risky search for the truth.

›Dark Waters‹ is connected with the films ›Snow Fox‹ (2018,10:03min) and ›L.e.o.p.a.r.t.‹. (2019, 17:23 min) part of the series ›The Trilogy Of Tomorrow‹. The Trilogy links current political and ecological issues and tells stories about environmental activists who fight for political change, freedom of expression and the preservation of nature.

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10 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, (8 min), UHD video, stereo sound



In ›Haemocyanin‹, the camera follows an octopus in an aquarium as it interacts with a glass sculpture created by the artist himself – penetrating its crevices, exploring its folds, inhabiting its transparent mass. The focus is on the interplay between the soft, flexible tentacles of the animal and the solid, translucent volumes of the sculpture. We observe the octopus familiarizing itself to the artificial environment through a set of limbic movements, which resemble a dancing language. It is through such a somatic exploration that the octopus grasps awareness and knowledge of the object.

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10 am
Sky Hopinka: ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, HD video, stereo, color


Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.

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10 am
Tabita Rezaire: ›Deep Down Tidal‹
2017, 19 min



›Deep Down Tidal‹ builds a computer-generated moving world of colorful images that weave together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological tales about water as a transoceanic communication-network. The Internet is not floating in the clouds, but located on the ocean floor. It manifests in the form of kilometers of fiber optic cables that follow the routes of colonial slave trade. By insisting on this argument, Tabita Rezaire breaks with the perpetuated rhetoric of wireless communication and decentralized networks. Her focus is on the fact that communicating digitally does not mean uncoupling oneself from material conditions and effects. The Internet is based on colonialism and thus affects both geographical and physical aspects. 

The water of the world’s oceans in ›Deep Down Tidal‹ is a data carrier – a place of diverse traumas and embodiment of colonial technologies that exposes the alleged inclusiveness of the Internet as a myth; at the same time, water is examined for its spiritual properties as a possible means of healing.

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10 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min

The futuristic film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) presents us with a dystopian scenario in which the Australian land appears dead and barren as an effect of the ravages of capitalism; unlike the local population, Europeans settlers are no longer able to survive outdoors. The protagonist is a young indigenous man, Aidan, who had been snatched from his family as a baby to serve a medical experiment meant to save the white population. Once released, he travels the landscape of his ancestors in company of his father and brother; here, he is confronted with two possible versions of the future and the past.


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10 am
Ursula Biemann: ›Acoustic Ocean‹
2018, 4K video, 18 min


Located on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, ›Acoustic Ocean‹ sets out to explore the sonic ecology of marine life. The scientist as an explorer and important mediator of the contemporary understanding of our planetary ecosystems is a central figure in this video. She makes her appearance in the person of a Sami (indigenous of northern Scandinavia) biologist-diver who is using all sorts of hydrophones, parabolic mics and recording devices. Her task is to sense the submarine space for acoustic and other biological forms of expression.


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10 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 m, HD-Video, Sound


Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018, 15:55 min) is set in the year 2029: All oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have become so–called death zones. The only beings that can still live in them are poisonous jellyfish. The government is trying to hide this environmental disaster from the public. The film follows the helicopter pilot Silverocean, who embarks on a risky search for the truth.

›Dark Waters‹ is connected with the films ›Snow Fox‹ (2018,10:03min) and ›L.e.o.p.a.r.t.‹. (2019, 17:23 min) part of the series ›The Trilogy Of Tomorrow‹. The Trilogy links current political and ecological issues and tells stories about environmental activists who fight for political change, freedom of expression and the preservation of nature.

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10 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, (8 min), UHD video, stereo sound



In ›Haemocyanin‹, the camera follows an octopus in an aquarium as it interacts with a glass sculpture created by the artist himself – penetrating its crevices, exploring its folds, inhabiting its transparent mass. The focus is on the interplay between the soft, flexible tentacles of the animal and the solid, translucent volumes of the sculpture. We observe the octopus familiarizing itself to the artificial environment through a set of limbic movements, which resemble a dancing language. It is through such a somatic exploration that the octopus grasps awareness and knowledge of the object.

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10 am
Sky Hopinka: ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, HD video, stereo, color



Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.

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10 am
Tabita Rezaire: ›Deep Down Tidal‹
2017, 19 min


›Deep Down Tidal‹ builds a computer-generated moving world of colorful images that weave together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological tales about water as a transoceanic communication-network. The Internet is not floating in the clouds, but located on the ocean floor. It manifests in the form of kilometers of fiber optic cables that follow the routes of colonial slave trade. By insisting on this argument, Tabita Rezaire breaks with the perpetuated rhetoric of wireless communication and decentralized networks. Her focus is on the fact that communicating digitally does not mean uncoupling oneself from material conditions and effects. The Internet is based on colonialism and thus affects both geographical and physical aspects. 

The water of the world’s oceans in ›Deep Down Tidal‹ is a data carrier – a place of diverse traumas and embodiment of colonial technologies that exposes the alleged inclusiveness of the Internet as a myth; at the same time, water is examined for its spiritual properties as a possible means of healing.

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10 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min

The futuristic film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) presents us with a dystopian scenario in which the Australian land appears dead and barren as an effect of the ravages of capitalism; unlike the local population, Europeans settlers are no longer able to survive outdoors. The protagonist is a young indigenous man, Aidan, who had been snatched from his family as a baby to serve a medical experiment meant to save the white population. Once released, he travels the landscape of his ancestors in company of his father and brother; here, he is confronted with two possible versions of the future and the past.


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10 am
Ursula Biemann: ›Acoustic Ocean‹
2018, 4K video, 18 min


Located on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, ›Acoustic Ocean‹ sets out to explore the sonic ecology of marine life. The scientist as an explorer and important mediator of the contemporary understanding of our planetary ecosystems is a central figure in this video. She makes her appearance in the person of a Sami (indigenous of northern Scandinavia) biologist-diver who is using all sorts of hydrophones, parabolic mics and recording devices. Her task is to sense the submarine space for acoustic and other biological forms of expression.


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10 am
Sonia Levy: ›For The Love Of Corals‹
2018, 2–chanell film


Kindly supported by ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe

The project ›For the Love of Corals: An Ecology of Perhaps‹ invites to navigate virtually through Sonia Levy’s 2–channel installation ›For the Love of Corals‹. The project was adapted for the digital realm as part of ZKM’s exhibition ›Critical Zones‹, which invites to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a variety of ways and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

›For the Love of Corals‹ is a cinematic inquiry that focuses on the daily labour of caring for endangered beings to resuscitate them from their imminent human-induced extinction. The 2-channel installation documents the research project ›Project Coral‹ initiated by Jamie Craggs: In the basement of the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London a team of marine biologists and aquarists led by him have initiated a pioneering endeavour to breed corals in captivity. By mirroring the environmental circumstances – seasonal temperature changes, solar irradiance and lunar cycles – of the Great Barrier Reef within specially designed tanks, the team has become the first in the world to successfully spawn corals in a laboratory.

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10 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 m, HD-Video, Sound


Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018, 15:55 min) is set in the year 2029: All oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have become so–called death zones. The only beings that can still live in them are poisonous jellyfish. The government is trying to hide this environmental disaster from the public. The film follows the helicopter pilot Silverocean, who embarks on a risky search for the truth.

›Dark Waters‹ is connected with the films ›Snow Fox‹ (2018,10:03min) and ›L.e.o.p.a.r.t.‹. (2019, 17:23 min) part of the series ›The Trilogy Of Tomorrow‹. The Trilogy links current political and ecological issues and tells stories about environmental activists who fight for political change, freedom of expression and the preservation of nature.

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10 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, (8 min), UHD video, stereo sound



In ›Haemocyanin‹, the camera follows an octopus in an aquarium as it interacts with a glass sculpture created by the artist himself – penetrating its crevices, exploring its folds, inhabiting its transparent mass. The focus is on the interplay between the soft, flexible tentacles of the animal and the solid, translucent volumes of the sculpture. We observe the octopus familiarizing itself to the artificial environment through a set of limbic movements, which resemble a dancing language. It is through such a somatic exploration that the octopus grasps awareness and knowledge of the object.

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10 am
Sky Hopinka: ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, HD video, stereo, color


Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.

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10 am
Tabita Rezaire: ›Deep Down Tidal‹
2017, 19 min



›Deep Down Tidal‹ builds a computer-generated moving world of colorful images that weave together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological tales about water as a transoceanic communication-network. The Internet is not floating in the clouds, but located on the ocean floor. It manifests in the form of kilometers of fiber optic cables that follow the routes of colonial slave trade. By insisting on this argument, Tabita Rezaire breaks with the perpetuated rhetoric of wireless communication and decentralized networks. Her focus is on the fact that communicating digitally does not mean uncoupling oneself from material conditions and effects. The Internet is based on colonialism and thus affects both geographical and physical aspects. 

The water of the world’s oceans in ›Deep Down Tidal‹ is a data carrier – a place of diverse traumas and embodiment of colonial technologies that exposes the alleged inclusiveness of the Internet as a myth; at the same time, water is examined for its spiritual properties as a possible means of healing.

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10 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min

The futuristic film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) presents us with a dystopian scenario in which the Australian land appears dead and barren as an effect of the ravages of capitalism; unlike the local population, Europeans settlers are no longer able to survive outdoors. The protagonist is a young indigenous man, Aidan, who had been snatched from his family as a baby to serve a medical experiment meant to save the white population. Once released, he travels the landscape of his ancestors in company of his father and brother; here, he is confronted with two possible versions of the future and the past.


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10 am
Ursula Biemann: ›Acoustic Ocean‹
2018, 4K video, 18 min



Located on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, ›Acoustic Ocean‹ sets out to explore the sonic ecology of marine life. The scientist as an explorer and important mediator of the contemporary understanding of our planetary ecosystems is a central figure in this video. She makes her appearance in the person of a Sami (indigenous of northern Scandinavia) biologist-diver who is using all sorts of hydrophones, parabolic mics and recording devices. Her task is to sense the submarine space for acoustic and other biological forms of expression.


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10 am
Sonia Levy: ›For The Love Of Corals‹
2018, 2–chanell film


Kindly supported by ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe

The project ›For the Love of Corals: An Ecology of Perhaps‹ invites to navigate virtually through Sonia Levy’s 2–channel installation ›For the Love of Corals‹. The project was adapted for the digital realm as part of ZKM’s exhibition ›Critical Zones‹, which invites to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a variety of ways and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

›For the Love of Corals‹ is a cinematic inquiry that focuses on the daily labour of caring for endangered beings to resuscitate them from their imminent human-induced extinction. The 2-channel installation documents the research project ›Project Coral‹ initiated by Jamie Craggs: In the basement of the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London a team of marine biologists and aquarists led by him have initiated a pioneering endeavour to breed corals in captivity. By mirroring the environmental circumstances – seasonal temperature changes, solar irradiance and lunar cycles – of the Great Barrier Reef within specially designed tanks, the team has become the first in the world to successfully spawn corals in a laboratory.

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10 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 m, HD-Video, Sound



Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018, 15:55 min) is set in the year 2029: All oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have become so–called death zones. The only beings that can still live in them are poisonous jellyfish. The government is trying to hide this environmental disaster from the public. The film follows the helicopter pilot Silverocean, who embarks on a risky search for the truth.

›Dark Waters‹ is connected with the films ›Snow Fox‹ (2018,10:03min) and ›L.e.o.p.a.r.t.‹. (2019, 17:23 min) part of the series ›The Trilogy Of Tomorrow‹. The Trilogy links current political and ecological issues and tells stories about environmental activists who fight for political change, freedom of expression and the preservation of nature.

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10 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, (8 min), UHD video, stereo sound

In ›Haemocyanin‹, the camera follows an octopus in an aquarium as it interacts with a glass sculpture created by the artist himself – penetrating its crevices, exploring its folds, inhabiting its transparent mass. The focus is on the interplay between the soft, flexible tentacles of the animal and the solid, translucent volumes of the sculpture. We observe the octopus familiarizing itself to the artificial environment through a set of limbic movements, which resemble a dancing language. It is through such a somatic exploration that the octopus grasps awareness and knowledge of the object.

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10 am
Sky Hopinka: ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, HD video, stereo, color


Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.

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10 am
Tabita Rezaire: ›Deep Down Tidal‹
2017, 19 min



›Deep Down Tidal‹ builds a computer-generated moving world of colorful images that weave together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological tales about water as a transoceanic communication-network. The Internet is not floating in the clouds, but located on the ocean floor. It manifests in the form of kilometers of fiber optic cables that follow the routes of colonial slave trade. By insisting on this argument, Tabita Rezaire breaks with the perpetuated rhetoric of wireless communication and decentralized networks. Her focus is on the fact that communicating digitally does not mean uncoupling oneself from material conditions and effects. The Internet is based on colonialism and thus affects both geographical and physical aspects. 

The water of the world’s oceans in ›Deep Down Tidal‹ is a data carrier – a place of diverse traumas and embodiment of colonial technologies that exposes the alleged inclusiveness of the Internet as a myth; at the same time, water is examined for its spiritual properties as a possible means of healing.

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10 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min

The futuristic film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) presents us with a dystopian scenario in which the Australian land appears dead and barren as an effect of the ravages of capitalism; unlike the local population, Europeans settlers are no longer able to survive outdoors. The protagonist is a young indigenous man, Aidan, who had been snatched from his family as a baby to serve a medical experiment meant to save the white population. Once released, he travels the landscape of his ancestors in company of his father and brother; here, he is confronted with two possible versions of the future and the past.


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10 am
Ursula Biemann: ›Acoustic Ocean‹
2018, 4K video, 18 min



Located on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, ›Acoustic Ocean‹ sets out to explore the sonic ecology of marine life. The scientist as an explorer and important mediator of the contemporary understanding of our planetary ecosystems is a central figure in this video. She makes her appearance in the person of a Sami (indigenous of northern Scandinavia) biologist-diver who is using all sorts of hydrophones, parabolic mics and recording devices. Her task is to sense the submarine space for acoustic and other biological forms of expression.

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10 am
Sonia Levy: ›For The Love Of Corals‹
2018, 2–chanell film


Kindly supported by ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe

The project ›For the Love of Corals: An Ecology of Perhaps‹ invites to navigate virtually through Sonia Levy’s 2–channel installation ›For the Love of Corals‹. The project was adapted for the digital realm as part of ZKM’s exhibition ›Critical Zones‹, which invites to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a variety of ways and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

›For the Love of Corals‹ is a cinematic inquiry that focuses on the daily labour of caring for endangered beings to resuscitate them from their imminent human-induced extinction. The 2-channel installation documents the research project ›Project Coral‹ initiated by Jamie Craggs: In the basement of the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London a team of marine biologists and aquarists led by him have initiated a pioneering endeavour to breed corals in captivity. By mirroring the environmental circumstances – seasonal temperature changes, solar irradiance and lunar cycles – of the Great Barrier Reef within specially designed tanks, the team has become the first in the world to successfully spawn corals in a laboratory.

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10 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 m, HD-Video, Sound


Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018, 15:55 min) is set in the year 2029: All oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have become so–called death zones. The only beings that can still live in them are poisonous jellyfish. The government is trying to hide this environmental disaster from the public. The film follows the helicopter pilot Silverocean, who embarks on a risky search for the truth.

›Dark Waters‹ is connected with the films ›Snow Fox‹ (2018,10:03min) and ›L.e.o.p.a.r.t.‹. (2019, 17:23 min) part of the series ›The Trilogy Of Tomorrow‹. The Trilogy links current political and ecological issues and tells stories about environmental activists who fight for political change, freedom of expression and the preservation of nature.

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10 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, (8 min), UHD video, stereo sound



In ›Haemocyanin‹, the camera follows an octopus in an aquarium as it interacts with a glass sculpture created by the artist himself – penetrating its crevices, exploring its folds, inhabiting its transparent mass. The focus is on the interplay between the soft, flexible tentacles of the animal and the solid, translucent volumes of the sculpture. We observe the octopus familiarizing itself to the artificial environment through a set of limbic movements, which resemble a dancing language. It is through such a somatic exploration that the octopus grasps awareness and knowledge of the object.

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10 am
Sky Hopinka: ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, HD video, stereo, color

Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.

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10 am
Tabita Rezaire: ›Deep Down Tidal‹
2017, 19 min



›Deep Down Tidal‹ builds a computer-generated moving world of colorful images that weave together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological tales about water as a transoceanic communication-network. The Internet is not floating in the clouds, but located on the ocean floor. It manifests in the form of kilometers of fiber optic cables that follow the routes of colonial slave trade. By insisting on this argument, Tabita Rezaire breaks with the perpetuated rhetoric of wireless communication and decentralized networks. Her focus is on the fact that communicating digitally does not mean uncoupling oneself from material conditions and effects. The Internet is based on colonialism and thus affects both geographical and physical aspects. 

The water of the world’s oceans in ›Deep Down Tidal‹ is a data carrier – a place of diverse traumas and embodiment of colonial technologies that exposes the alleged inclusiveness of the Internet as a myth; at the same time, water is examined for its spiritual properties as a possible means of healing.

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9 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min

The futuristic film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) presents us with a dystopian scenario in which the Australian land appears dead and barren as an effect of the ravages of capitalism; unlike the local population, Europeans settlers are no longer able to survive outdoors. The protagonist is a young indigenous man, Aidan, who had been snatched from his family as a baby to serve a medical experiment meant to save the white population. Once released, he travels the landscape of his ancestors in company of his father and brother; here, he is confronted with two possible versions of the future and the past.


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9 am
Ursula Biemann: ›Acoustic Ocean‹
2018, 4K video, 18 min



Located on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, ›Acoustic Ocean‹ sets out to explore the sonic ecology of marine life. The scientist as an explorer and important mediator of the contemporary understanding of our planetary ecosystems is a central figure in this video. She makes her appearance in the person of a Sami (indigenous of northern Scandinavia) biologist-diver who is using all sorts of hydrophones, parabolic mics and recording devices. Her task is to sense the submarine space for acoustic and other biological forms of expression.


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9 am
Sonia Levy: ›For The Love Of Corals‹
2018, 2–chanell Film

Kindly supported by ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe



The project ›For the Love of Corals: An Ecology of Perhaps‹ invites to navigate virtually through Sonia Levy’s 2–channel installation ›For the Love of Corals‹. The project was adapted for the digital realm as part of ZKM’s exhibition ›Critical Zones‹, which invites to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a variety of ways and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

›For the Love of Corals‹ is a cinematic inquiry that focuses on the daily labour of caring for endangered beings to resuscitate them from their imminent human-induced extinction. The 2-channel installation documents the research project ›Project Coral‹ initiated by Jamie Craggs: In the basement of the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London a team of marine biologists and aquarists led by him have initiated a pioneering endeavour to breed corals in captivity. By mirroring the environmental circumstances – seasonal temperature changes, solar irradiance and lunar cycles – of the Great Barrier Reef within specially designed tanks, the team has become the first in the world to successfully spawn corals in a laboratory.


more Info

9 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 m, HD-Video, Sound




Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018, 15:55 min) is set in the year 2029: All oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have become so–called death zones. The only beings that can still live in them are poisonous jellyfish. The government is trying to hide this environmental disaster from the public. The film follows the helicopter pilot Silverocean, who embarks on a risky search for the truth.

›Dark Waters‹ is connected with the films ›Snow Fox‹ (2018,10:03min) and ›L.e.o.p.a.r.t.‹. (2019, 17:23 min) part of the series ›The Trilogy Of Tomorrow‹. The Trilogy links current political and ecological issues and tells stories about environmental activists who fight for political change, freedom of expression and the preservation of nature.

more info

9 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, (8 min), UHD video, stereo sound



Tuomas A. Laitinen beobachtet in seinem Film einen Oktopus in einem Aquarium. Der Krake interagiert mit einer von dem finnischen Künstler geschaffenen Glasskulptur, dringt in ihre Spalten ein, erforscht ihre Zwischenräume, bewohnt ihre transparente Masse. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Wechselspiel zwischen den weichen, flexiblen Tentakeln des Tieres und dem festen, transparenten Volumen der Skulptur.
Für Laitinen erzeugt die Interaktion zwischen Krake und Objekt eine spezifische Kommunikation: eine tanzende Sprache.


mehr Informationen zur Künstler und Film

9 am
Sky Hopinka: ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, HD video, stereo, color


Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.

more Info


9 am
Tabita Rezaire: ›Deep Down Tidal‹
2017, 19 min




›Deep Down Tidal‹ builds a computer-generated moving world of colorful images that weave together cosmological, spiritual, political and technological tales about water as a transoceanic communication-network. The Internet is not floating in the clouds, but located on the ocean floor. It manifests in the form of kilometers of fiber optic cables that follow the routes of colonial slave trade. By insisting on this argument, Tabita Rezaire breaks with the perpetuated rhetoric of wireless communication and decentralized networks. Her focus is on the fact that communicating digitally does not mean uncoupling oneself from material conditions and effects. The Internet is based on colonialism and thus affects both geographical and physical aspects. 

The water of the world’s oceans in ›Deep Down Tidal‹ is a data carrier – a place of diverse traumas and embodiment of colonial technologies that exposes the alleged inclusiveness of the Internet as a myth; at the same time, water is examined for its spiritual properties as a possible means of healing.


more info

9 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min



Der futuristische Film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) präsentiert uns ein dystopisches Szenario, in dem das australische Land als Folge der Verwüstungen durch den Kapitalismus tot und unfruchtbar erscheint und die europäischen Siedler nicht mehr in der Lage sind, im Freien zu überleben. Der Protagonist ist ein junger Ureinwohner, Aidan, der als Baby seiner Familie entrissen wurde, um einem medizinischen Experiment zur Rettung der weißen Bevölkerung zu dienen. Nach seiner Freilassung wandert er in Begleitung seines Vaters und seines Bruders durch die Landschaft seiner Vorfahren; hier wird er mit zwei möglichen Versionen der Zukunft und der Vergangenheit konfrontiert. Der Film nimmt aus der Perspektive der australischen Ureinwohner Stellung zu aktuellen Debatten über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, des Kapitalismus und der Industrie.


mehr Informationen zum Film und Kollektiv

9 am
Ursula Biemann: ›Acoustic Ocean‹
2018, 4K video, 18 min


›Acoustic Ocean‹ ist eine Science-Fiction, eine fiktionale Untersuchung der Unterwasserwelt als ein Raum, in dem maritimes Leben, Menschen, technologische Infrastrukturen, wissenschaftliche Instrumente und Klima zusammentreffen und in komplexen Prozessen aufeinander wirken.

Im Video erkundet die Protagonistin den maritimen Lebens- und Kommunikationsraum der norwegischen Lofoten Inseln. Als Wissenschaftlerin hat sie die wichtige Aufgabe, unser planetares Ökosystem zu erforschen und aufzuzeichnen. Sie ist eine Sami, also eine Indigene des Nordens, Taucherin und Meeresbiologin, die Hydrophone, Parabolmikrofone und andere Aufnahmegeräte benutzt, um den lichtlosen submarinen Raum und seine Lebewesen zu erfassen. Die sensorischen Apparate stellen eine techno-organische Verbindung zwischen ihrem Körper und den unzähligen Meeresbewohnern her. In dieser fiktionalen Wissenschaftsmatrix existiert keine analytische Distanz zwischen der Forscherin, ihrem Untersuchungsobjekt und ihren Instrumenten – sie alle sind eins.



mehr Informationen zum Film und Künstlerin

9 am
Sonia Levy: ›For the Love of Corals‹
2018, 2–Kanal Film



Das Projekt ›For the Love of Corals: An Ecology of Perhaps‹ ist die virtuelle Adaption von Sonia Levys 2-Kanal-Installation ›For the Love of Corals‹, die im Rahmen der Ausstellung ›Critical Zones‹ im Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe für den digitalen Bereich produziert wurde. ›Critical Zones‹ lädt dazu ein, sich auf vielfältige Weise mit der kritischen Situation der Erde auseinanderzusetzen und neue Formen des Zusammenlebens aller Lebensformen zu erforschen.


›For the Love of Corals‹ widmet sich Möglichkeiten zur Rettung vom Aussterben gefährdeter Arten. Die 2-Kanal-Installation dokumentiert das von Jamie Craggs initiierte Forschungsprojekt ›Project Coral‹, das im Untergeschoss des Horniman Museum and Gardens in London die Züchtung von Korallen im Labor zum ersten Mal weltweit realisieren konnte. Durch die Simulation der Umweltbedingungen des Great Barrier Reefs – Temperaturschwankungen, Sonneneinstrahlung und Mond–Zyklen – gelang der Durchbruch, der es ermöglicht, die Auswirkungen von Klimawandel, Überfischung und Umweltverschmutzung zu untersuchen und zur Wiederherstellung der Riffe beizutragen.


mehr Informationen

9 am
Nina E. Schönefeld: ›Dark Waters‹
2018, 15:55 Min, HD-Video, Sound


Nina E. Schönefeld’s ›Dark Waters‹ (2018) is set in the year 2029 and simulates a post-apocalyptic world, in which all the oceans are so contaminated by plastic waste that they have turned into so–called ›death zones‹. The only creatures that are still able to survive in the polluted waters are some poisonous jellyfish – an environmental disaster that the government is trying to conceal from the public. The film follows helicopter pilot and heroin Silver Ocean as she embarks on a risky search for the truth.


more info

9 am
Tuomas A. Laitinen: ›Haemocyanin‹
2019, 8 min, UHD Video, Stereo Sound


In ›Haemocyanin‹, the camera follows an octopus in an aquarium as it interacts with a glass sculpture created by the artist himself – penetrating its crevices, exploring its folds, inhabiting its transparent mass. The focus is on the interplay between the soft, flexible tentacles of the animal and the solid, translucent volumes of the sculpture. We observe the octopus familiarizing itself to the artificial environment through a set of limbic movements, which resemble a dancing language. It is through such a somatic exploration that the octopus grasps awareness and knowledge of the object.

more info

9 am
Sky Hopinka: ›maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹
2020, 1h 21m


Sky Hopinka’s first feature-length film ›Maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore‹ is an ethno-poetic documentary portrait in two parts. Set against the backdrop of the landscape of the Columbia River Basin, the film follows the wanderings of two friends of the artist, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier, along their separate paths through death, rebirth and afterlife. The protagonists constantly tap into the Chinook mythical lore to articulate their personal stories and define their identities. To further authenticate Sweetwater and Jordan’s bond with their native land, the interviews are conducted in Chinuk Wawa, a nearly extinct indigenous language of the Lower Columbia River Basin that once served as the creole lingua-franca in the region.


more Info

9 am
Karrabing Film Collective: ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹
2018, 26 min


The futuristic film ›The Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland‹ (2018) presents us with a dystopian scenario in which the Australian land appears dead and barren as an effect of the ravages of capitalism; unlike the local population, Europeans settlers are no longer able to survive outdoors. The protagonist is a young indigenous man, Aidan, who had been snatched from his family as a baby to serve a medical experiment meant to save the white population. Once released, he travels the landscape of his ancestors in company of his father and brother; here, he is confronted with two possible versions of the future and the past.

more info


7 pm
›Die Rechte der Pflanzen‹ Lecture by Prof. Dr. Marcus A. Koch
Introductory lecture with follow-up discussion

Prof. Dr. Marcus A. Koch

Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS Heidelberg)
Department of Biodiversity and Plant Systematics/
Botanic Garden and Herbarium Heidelberg (HEID)
University of Heidelberg

2 pm
Guided tour with Annerose Müller
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Annerose Müller, student of free art and romance studies.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

2 pm
Guided tour with Susan Mönch (turkish)
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Susan Mönch, restorer, in Turkish.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

2 pm
Guided tour with Marcel Wälde
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹ with Marcel Wälde, student of art history and philosophy.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

7 pm
›Mechanics and Membranes‹ Lecture by Robert Piotrowski
Introductory lecture with follow-up discussion

Robert Piotrowski, Partner Ecker Architekten Heidelberg, will present his thoughts on the current exhibition ‘endnote (ping)’ by Ian Kiaer using a picture-based lecture starting with the mechanics of the water lily Victoria Regia.
In English language with German translation.

Robert Piotrowski
M Arch., Freier Architekt + Innenarchitekt BDIA
Ecker Architekten, Heidelberg

Since 2016, Robert Piotrowski, fellow of the Association of German Interior Architects (BDIA) and partner at Ecker Architekten, has been the patron of the INsider Award. Robert Piotrowksi was born in 1963 in Buffalo, New York and studied architecture at the State University of New York in Buffalo, at Havard University in Massachusetts and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. He worked for Powell/Kleinschmidt, was director of the interior design department at Holabird & Root and taught at the Illinois Institute of Technology before founding the architecture firm Piotrowksi+Ecker in Chicago with Dea Ecker in 1998. In 2000 the office moved to Germany and changed its name to Ecker Architekten. The office focuses on interior design, commercial and office buildings and projects for educational institutions.
2 pm
Guided tour with Sara O‘Donell (english)
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Sara O‘Donell.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

9 pm
Guided tour with Johanna Hardt
>endnote (ping)<

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition >endnote (ping)< with Johanna Hardt, curatorial assistant of Heidelberger Kunstverein.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

2 pm
Guided tour with Annerose Müller
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Annerose Müller, student of free art and romance studies.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

7 pm
›Bodies and Bubbles‹ Lecture by Prof. Dr. Georg Vrachliotis
Introductory lecture with follow-up discussion

Prof. Dr. Georg Vrachliotis
Karlsruher Insitut of Technology
in cooperation with
Internationale Bauausstellung Heidelberg GmbH

2 pm
Guided tour with Sara O‘Donell
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Sara O‘Donell.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

2 pm
Guided tour with Marcel Wälde
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Marcel Wälde, student of art history and philosophy.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

9 pm
Guided tour with Diana Frasek
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition >endnote (ping)< with Diana Frasek, art mediator and educationist.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

2 pm
Guided tour with Johanna Hardt
›endnote (ping)‹

Discover Ian Kiaer’s solo exhibition ›endnote (ping)‹  with Johanna Hardt, assistant curator of Heidelberger Kunstverein.

The mediation team offers public, conversational tours through the current exhibition in various languages. The guided tours are free of charge.

Sundays at 2pm and
Thursdays, Bar Blau, from 9pm

3 pm
Artist Talk with Ian Kiaer

7 pm
Opening Ian Kiaer

2 pm
Guided tour with Ursula Schöndeling
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Ursula Schöndeling, director Heidelberger Kunstverein. The tour is free of charge.

2 pm
Guided Tour with Josephine Huber
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Josephine Huber. The tour is free of charge.

4 pm
Book Presentation and Artist Talk with Nadira Husain
2 pm
Guided tour with Johanna Hardt
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Johanna Hardt, curatorial assistant Heidelberger Kunstverein. The tour is free of charge.

2 pm
Guided Tour with Johanna Hardt
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Johanna Hardt, curatorial assistant Heidelberger Kunstverein. The tour is free of charge.

12 am
Panel Discussion: The Role of Arts and Literature for the city
Dr. Dr. Florian Arnold (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Eva Geulen (Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Gerhard Poppenberg (Romanisches Seminar) und PD Dr. Oliver Schlaudt (Philosophisches Seminar/Sciences Po Paris) // Gäste Dr. Andrea Edel (Kulturamt Heidelberg/UNESCO Creative City Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Michael Haus (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft) und Ursula Schöndeling (Heidelberger Kunstverein)


International Symposium: Art | Literature | City.
On the Relationship between the Humanities and the Public Sphere
Once a semester, the Stadt-Heidelberg-Stiftung in cooperation with the International Science Forum Heidelberg offers funds for the organisation of a summer symposium, which is intended to promote the exchange between university and public. The Summer Symposium 2020 will take place from July 20 to 21 and is entitled ‘Art | Literature | City. On the Relationship between the Humanities and the Public Sphere’. It will focus on the question of the relevance of knowledge produced by art and especially literature studies for the (urban) public.
A public panel discussion at the Kunstverein Heidelberg will be the core of the symposium:
On July 20, 2020 scientists, participants and their representatives of the public cultural life of the city will discuss the question: What can, should, and want literatures and arts in their city?
Dr. Dr. Florian Arnold (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Eva Geulen (Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Gerhard Poppenberg (Romanisches Seminar) and PD Dr. Oliver Schlaudt (Philosophisches Seminar/Sciences Po Paris), among others, have been invited to participate in the symposium. Guests are Dr. Andrea Edel (Cultural Office Heidelberg/UNESCO Creative City Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Michael Haus (Institute for Political Science) and Ursula Schöndeling (Heidelberger Kunstverein).


Heidelberg University
Romanisches Seminar

2 pm
Guided Tour with Diana Frasek
Guided Tour through ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Diana Frasek. The tour is free of charge.

12 pm
Kunst Sonntag

KunstHeidelberg invites you to the annual Kunstsonntag.

2 pm
Guided tour with Josephine Huber
Guided Tour through ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹
Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Josephine Huber. The tour is free of charge.
2 pm
Guided Tour with Alice Chardenet (french)
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Alice Chardenet. The tour is free of charge.

7:30 pm
Pedro Kadivar: Reading and Discussion
Ticket 8 €, reduces und dfk-member 5 €

Reading and discussion in German
Moderation: Regina Keil-Sagawe
›Paris was the place where my mother tongue gradually burst, as if by an explosion, in slow motion.‹ Born in 1967 in Shiraz (Iran), Pedro Kadivar fled to France at the age of 16, changed his mother tongue and name, no longer felt foreign enough in Paris after graduating from high school and studying. In 1996, after a formative encounter with Heiner Müller, he moved on to Berlin, where he wrote his doctoral thesis on Marcel Proust, in which he discovered an affinity. Today, Pedro Kadivar lives and works as a writer and director in Paris and Berlin and stages highly acclaimed plays.
In ›Kleines Buch der Migrationen‹ (›Small Book of Migrations‹) he narrates the break with the language of the country he wanted to forget because it was marked by so much violence. He reflects on home and foreignness, on the significance of migration for artistic creation, and in doing so repeatedly brings other artists and writers into play, such as Marcel Proust, Beckett, Dürer or the Iranian poet Sadeq Hedayat.

An event of the Deutsch-Französischer Kulturkreis e.V. in cooperation with the Heidelberger Kunstverein as part of the exhibition of Nadira Husain


2 pm
Guided tour with Scarlett He
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Scarlett He. The tour is free of charge.


2 pm
Guided tour with Alice Chardenet
›Confluence Sangam संगम‹

Discover our current exhibition ›Confluence Sangam संगम‹ with Alice Chardenet. The tour is free of charge.

7 pm
Opening Nadira Husain, Amina Ahmed, Varunika Saraf: ›Confluence Sangam संगम ‹

›Confluence Sangam संगम ‹ Nadira Husain, Prize Winner of the WERK.STOFF Prize for Painting awarded by the Andreas Felger Cultural Foundation and the Heidelberger Kunstverein, invites the artists Amina Ahmed and Varunika Saraf to a joint exhibition.


For this event we ask you to wear a mask a respect the safety distance. The seating arrangement will be make according to regulations and admission in the exhibition space will be controlled. The seating capacity is unfortunately limited.



Nadira Husain: ›Janam‹, 2019, 180 x 159 cm, Gouache und Acryl auf Leinwand und genähtem Textil, © LBBW

8 am
HDKV Office Closure

Our office will be closed on Friday, May 22.

11 am
Re-Opening ›Yesterday’s News Today‹
We are happy to reopen and looking forward to welcome you at the HDKV

The measurements due the Covid 19 Pandemie apply for the visit at the HDKV

in short:

Obligation to wear a mask

Keeping Distance about 1,5 meters

Reglementation of numbers of visitors

2:30 pm
Virtual tour with Sebastian Riemer and Ursula Schöndeling (in English)
Please register here and the live is via zoom


Yesterday’s News Today


with Sebastian Riemer, artist and Ursula Schöndeling, director of the Heidelberger Kunstverein


Click here for the tour.

6 pm
Canceled: Lange Nacht der Fotografie
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

During the Lange Nacht der Fotografie the Heidelberger Kunstverein opens its doors, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., to the visitors who can visit the current exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

12 am
Virtual Tour with Yasmin Meinicke and Christoph Blaas to the Press Archive
online tour
2 pm
Canceled: Guided tour with Yana Belskaya (Russian) / Экскурсия на русском языке
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

Приглашаем Ваc на экcкурcию , на руccком языке по выcтавке Yesterday’s News Today, которая проходит в рамках Биеннале актуальной фотографии 2020. Экcкурcию проводит Яна Бельcкая, аccиcтент куратора.


Вc, 5 апреля в 14:00

Учаcтие в экcкурcии беcплатно.
Вход – 4 евро
Льготный билет – 2 евро

Будем рады видеть Ваc!



The 5 of April Yana Belskaya takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.


6 pm
Canceled: Guided tour with Scarlett He (Chinese)
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

The 02 of April Scarlett He takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.


2 pm
Canceled: Guided tour with/ Visita guidata con Roberta Pfingsten (Italian)
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

The 29 of March Roberta Pfingsten, team HDKV, takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.


Visita guidata della mostra Yesterday’s News Today‹ con Roberta Pfingsten, Team HDKV. 

La visita guidata è gratuita


2 pm
Canceled: Workshop ›New Interpretation of Photos from Newspaper!‹
with Yasmin Meinicke and Trixi Sophia Schmidtchen

The life of photographic images is always varied and endless. In the last decades, over a hundred thousand photos from newspaper archives have been sold, and some on the other hand, have fallen into the hands of artists. In this workshop you will learn how they deal with it. Yasmin Meinicke, managing director of the Biennale, leads through the exhibition. In a practical part, you will test how to approach existing image material and reinterpret with it.

Registration and payment via VHS Heidelberg (course number: 2030)
Tel .: 06221-911911
Department of Art and Design: 06221-911975
Email: kunst@vhs-hd.de
Max. 20 people
Cost: € 9

6 pm
Canceled: Guided tour with Diana Frasek
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

On 26 March Diana Frasek takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.

This tour is in German.

2 pm
Canceled: Guided tour with/ Susan Mönch ile sergi turu (Turkish)
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

The 22 of March Susan Mönch takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.

Pazar, 22.03, Saat 14:00. Susan Mönch ile diyaloglu sergi turu, Türkçe.

Tüm rehberli sergi turlarımız ücretsizdir.

6 pm
Canceled: Guided tour with Yana Belskaya
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

On 19 March Yana Belskaya takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.

This tour is in German.

2 pm
Guided Tour Canceled!
3 pm
Workshop ›Shooting Technique‹
with Diana Frasek and Eyal Pinkas


Artists from the exhibition work with photographs from the press archives, which are supposed to depict the events realistically. But even at the moment of shooting, camera settings and the choice of perspective can result in different image statements about the events. Strategies of image manipulation developed by Eyal Pinkas (artist) and Diana Frasek (art educator / teacher) are tried out in this workshop. The photos will be taken with a camera or cell phone that you have brought.
Cost: 2 euros
Registration by email: hdkv@hdkv.de or phone: 06221 184086 until 09.03.20

6 pm
Guided tour with Josephine Huber
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

On 12 March Josephine Huber takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.

This tour is in German.

2 pm
Guided tour with Josephine Huber
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie


On 8 March Josephine Huber takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour is free of charge.

This tour is in German.

6 pm
Guided tour with Sara Ibáñez O‘Donnell
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

On 5 March Sara Ibáñez O‘Donnell takes you through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.

The guided tour  is free of charge.

This tour is in German.


11 am
Opening Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie: Guided tour with curator David Campany and artist Sebastian Riemer (English)
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie


On Sunday, the opening of individual exhibitions will take place at the venues in Mannheim and Heidelberg.


Guided tour with Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie’s curator David Campany and artist Sebastian Riemer through the exhibition ›Yesterday’s News Today‹.


David Campany (*1967, London) lives and works in London as a writer, curator, artist and lecturer in photography. Most recently, he curated the exhibition ALEX MAJOLI: SCENE at Le Bal, Paris. His publications include So Present, So Invisible – Conversations with Photographers (Contrasto, 2018), Walker Evans (Aperture Masters of Photography Series, Aperture, 2015), A Handful of Dust (MACK / Le Bal 2015) and essays for museums and magazines such as MoMA New York, the Tate, the Centre Pompidou, Stedelijk Museum, the Jeu de Paume, FriezeAperture, and Source. Among Campany’s awards as a writer are the ICP Infinity Award, the Royal Photographic Society’s award for writing and the German Photobook Prize.


Sebastian Riemer (*1982, Oberhausen) studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. In 2017 he won a Cary & Dan Bronner Residency in Tel Avi. His works have been internationally exhibited among others in Paris, Munich, Vienna, Düsseldorf and Beijing.

7 pm
Grand opening Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

The Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie 2020 ›The Lives and Loves of Images‹ will be ceremoniously opened on Friday, February 28th at 7 p.m. at the Kunsthalle Mannheim.



8 pm
Concert from KlangForum Heidelberg ›Sternbild: Mensch IV‹
the KlangForum Heidelberg is guesting in Heidelberger Kunstverein again

›Sternbild Mensch VI ‹

First performance


Conductor: Walter Nußbaum


As always the stars were the inspiration source for human imagination, for spiritual experience, the idea of ​​the infinity and thus become representations of superhuman or divinity. Arnold Schönberg’s sense of the “air from other planets” (Stefan George) with his ears (!) started the 20th century in music as a synaesthetic conjuration and poetic-imaginative premonition of new worlds and a new cosmos, but soon the theory of relativity, Quantum mechanics, wave theory, statistics and big data also significantly shape artistic conceptions and speculations.
“Sternbild: Mensch” IV to VI is the continuation of a six-part series of events on the subject of musical cosmology that would only be incompletely described with “concert”. The two ensembles of the KlangForum Heidelberg, the SCHOLA HEIDELBERG and the ensemble aisthesis, lead the close connection between vocal and instrumental sound generation under the direction of Walter Nußbaum, as well as the integration of spatial tonality and visual representation before the eyes and ears. A combination of incomprehensible, poetically spoken: “unearthly” connections – that is what the project “Constellation: Man” stands for.
The KlangForum Heidelberg awards composition commissions to well-known international composers for the continuation of the concert series “Sternbild: Mensch”; Only the special framework of this series allows them to artistically implement astronomical-cosmic questions and phenomena beyond the limitations of traditional concert platforms. For the fourth part of the concert series “Sternbild: Mensch”, Johannes Schöllhorn (composition professor in Freiburg), Mannheim-based Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf (professor at the Leipzig Academy of Music) and the Austrian composer Klaus Lang composed works specially commissioned for the concert series, which are all related to the cosmos. Lang takes the view that music is time-made audibility, which is an acoustically exciting approach with regard to the cosmos and the time, past, metaphorically expressed in the stars. In his composition, Schöllhorn treats the (only apparent) contrast between “light” and “dark”, which on closer inspection turns out to be a flow. This is based on three small sections of text from the beginning of Sor Juana’s “primero sueño”. Mahnkopf’s composition is dominated by the astrophysical moment: scientific texts are reformulated, background noise, black holes and Ekpyrosis are only a small part of the topics covered.

Pre-odered Tickets  and box office 10 / 15 / 20 Euro

to find more information (in German only) under this link

2 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Yana Belskaya (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Yana Belskaya, Art historian M.A., our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Josephine Huber (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

The 23 of January Josephine Huber, History of Art student at IEK and HTSC in Heidelberg, takes you through the exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

The guided tour (in German) is free of charge.

2 pm
Guided tour with / экскурсия с Yana Belskaya (Russian)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Yana Belskaya, Art historian M.A., our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

экскурсия по выставке живописи ›Technoscapes‹ на русском языке. 19 январь 2020 с 14:00 до 15:00

Экскурсовод: Яна Бельская, магистр истории искусств

Участие в экскурсии бесплатное,

Адрес: г. Гейдельберг, Хауптштрассе 97

6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Josephine Huber (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Josephine Huber our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

2 pm
Guided tour with / Sergi tur ile Susan Mönch (Turkish)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Susan Mönch our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

Pazar, 12.01., Saat 14:00. Susan Manch ile diyaloglu sergi turu, Türkçe.

Tüm rehberli sergi turlarımız ücretsizdir.

6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Diana Frasek (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Diana Frasek our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

9 pm
Bar Blau / Guided tour with Philipp Ziegler, curator at ZKM Karlsruhe (German)
Art/Drinks/Guided tours

Our Bar Blau takes place on the 5 of December at the Heidelberger Kunstverein. The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks. We meet to visit and talk about our newest exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Guided tour // 8 p.m.

With Philipp Ziegler, curator at ZKM Karlsruhe

Admission: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free


6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Dorothee Fischer (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

The 19 of December Dorothee Fischer, Art historian M.A., takes you through the exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

The guided tour (in German) is free of charge

2 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Diana Frasek (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Diana Frasek our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Diana Frasek (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Diana Fresek our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge.

2 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Visita guidata con Roberta Pfingsten (Italian)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

The 8 of December Roberta Pfingsten, Team HDKV, takes you through the exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

The guided tour  is free of charge.

Hai voglia di esplorare la nostra nuova mostra ›Technoscapes‹? L’8 dicembre scoprila con la visita guidata di Roberta Pfingsten!

La visita è gratuita

9 pm
Bar Blau / Guided tour (German)
Art/Drinks/Guided tours

Our Bar Blau takes place on the 5 of December at the Heidelberger Kunstverein. The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks. We meet to visit and talk about our newest exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Guided tour // 9 p.m.

With Felix Koberstein, M.A. Assistant curator

Admission: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free

6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit / Guided tour with Ursula Schöndeling, Director
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Guided tour with Ursula Schöndeling, Director.

Guided tour free of charge

2 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Julia Gellert (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

Discover with Julia Gellert, medical student, our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

6 pm
Guided tour with/ Visite guidée avec Sarah Délétroz (French)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹


Discover with Sarah Délétroz our current Exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

Guided tour free of charge

Découvrez notre nouvelle exposition ›Technoscapes‹! Le 28 novembre à 18h, Sarah Délétroz vous amène à la découverte des installations présentes au Heidelberger Kunstverein!

La visite est gratuite


2 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang/ Guided tour with Dorothee Fischer (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

For all who want to learn more, we invite you every Sunday at 2 p.m. to join us for guided tours of our current exhibition ›Technoscapes‹

The 24 of November Dorothee Fischer, Art historian M.A., takes you through the exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

The guided tour (in German) is free of charge


9 pm
Bar Blau / Guided tour (German)
Art/Drinks/Guided tours

Our Bar Blau takes place on the 21 of November at the Heidelberger Kunstverein. The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks. We meet to visit and talk about our newest exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Guided tour // 9 p.m.

with Felix Koberstein, M.A. Assistant curator

Admission: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free

6 pm
Ausstellungsrundgang mit/ Guided tour with Josephine Huber (German)
Guided tour ›Technoscapes‹

The 21 of November Josephine Huber, History of Art student at IEK and HTSC in Heidelberg, takes you through the exhibition ›Technoscapes‹.

The guided tour (in German) is free of charge

5 pm
Finissage Party and Packing

6 pm
Guided Tour by Members
with Bara Lehmann-Schulz, Carl Zillich, Ralf Wugazzer, Stefan Hohenadl und Barbara Kunzendorf Hohenadl

2 pm
Guided Tour with Ursula Schöndeling, Director

7 pm
Artist Talk: Kerstin Stoll



Kerstin Stoll and Ursula Schöndeling discuss the concepts behind Stoll’s exibition Raumblüte, her interest in the works of Friedrich Kiesler and her own scientific-artistic approach.

7 pm
Filmscreening ›Into Eternity‹ with director Michael Madsen and curator Miya Yoshida



The documentary film ›Into Eternity‹ follows the construction of the nuclear waste repository Onkalo (›Hideout‹) in Finland. It is built 4 km deep into the solid ground and is meant to be a nuclear waste repository for the next 10o.ooo years. Since there is no building that has ever lasted such a long time, the movie strives to answer the question of how safe Onkalo can possibly be.

Danish director Michael Madsen contrasts the reality of the enormous demand for energy of industrial nations on one side and questions about responsible interactions with our environment on the other. He further adresses our responsibilty as a society towards the generations that will come after us.


The documentary will be shown as part of the exhibtion ›Sharing as caring 6‹. Afterwards there will be an open discussion with director Michael Madsen and curator Dr. Miya Yoshida in english.




With the support of the Danish Art Foundation. In cooperation with  Karlstorkino Heidelberg.


-Costs: regular 7,50 €, concessions 6,50 €, members 3,50.

-Karsltorkino, 1 Am Karlstor, 69117 Heidelberg

7 pm
Bar Blau with guided tour and exhibition walk




The first Thursday of every month is set: Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.
Our cafeteria turns into a Bar and our crew mixes refreshing drinks. There will also be talks and walks through the exhibition.


Guided tour // 7pm

with Carl Zillich, IBA Heidelberg


Exhibition walk // 21pm

with Franziska Deinhammer, Kunsthistorikerin B.A.


Costs: regular 4 €, concessions 2 €, members free.

(Membership for students for only 12 € per year!)


7 pm
Visite guidée avec Léna Nicollet

Nous vous invitons à une visite guidée à travers l’exposition avec Léna Nicollet, Historienne d’Art B.A.

Toutes les visites guidées sont gratuites!

Pour toute réservation, contactez nous au 06221 – 184086 ou à l’adresse suivante : vermittlung@hdkv.de

12 am
Art Trip: Paris excursion – register until 11/26!

©Photography Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2018.
›On Air‹: Kunst und Wissenschaft – Tomás Saraceno (*1973), umfassende künstlerische Forschungen in großartiger räumlicher Wirkung erleben.


The foundation Louis Vuitton presents two artists who both died too early and and defied the boundaries of painting with their expressionist style:  Egon Schiele (1890-1918) and Michel Basquiat (1960-1988). The exhibition takes place in the exceptional exhibition building in the Bois de Boulogne designed by Frank Gehry in 2014.


Lunch in the Palais de Tokyo.


We will travel by train, approximate costs are 110 per person, depending on how early the tickets will be booked.

Registration is possible until 11/26: hdkv@hdkv.de

7 pm
Bar Blau with artist talk and exhibition walk



The first Thursday of every month is set: Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.

. Our cafeteria turns into a Bar and our crew mixes refreshing drinks. There will also be talks and walks through the exhibition.


Artist talk // 7pm

with Lorenz Bögle, Eva Gentner, Valentina Jaffé, Nathalie und Alexander Suvorov-Franz und André Wischnewski


Exhibition walk // 9 pm

with Franziska Deinhammer, Kunsthistorikerin B.A.


Costs: regular 4 €, concessions 2 €, members free.

(Membership for students for only 12 € per year!)

11 am
Guided Tour with Sara Ibáñez O’Donell

We invite you to a guided tour in English through the current exhibitions with Sara Ibáñez O’Donell, Culture professional.

All guided tours are free of charge!

For bookings please contact us at 06221 – 184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

3 pm
Lecture: ›Raumblüte‹, Correalismus und magische Architektur. Friedrich Kieslers Gedankenräume der 1940er Jahre
Gerd Zillner, Austrian Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung





During the 1940s austrian-american architect, stage designer, artist and theoretist Friedrich Kiesler (1890-1965) worked on two ambitious projects in the form of books: Correalism and Biotechnique, dealing with his holistic, human-centric design strategies and Magic Architecture, a ‘history of human living habitations’, which summarizes his extensive research concerning the topics of paleo-archeology, cultural anthropology, human and animal psychology, biology and natural history. Finally both books were never completed and remained unpublished. But  they opened up headspaces which manifest in the exhibition rooms he created.


Gerd Zillner is an art historian. He has been working as an archivar, curator and senior researcher for the Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung in Vienna since 2008. One of his many works about Kiesler is ›Friedrich Kiesler: Architekt, Künstler, Visionär‹ (2017).

4 pm
Artist Talk: Satoko Nema

Sakoto Nema and Dr. Miya Yoshida will discuss her work ›Paradigm‹ and the impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Discussion in English.

7 pm
Opening ›Raumblüte‹, Sharing as Caring #6‹, ›Jahresgaben 2018‹

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibitions:


›Raumblüte‹ with Kerstin Stoll and Frederick Kiesler


›Sharing as Caring #6 Trans-Affects: Stories, Life and Landscapes‹, curated by Dr. Miya Yoshida


›Jahregaben 2018‹


Greetings and Introduction:

Julia Philippi Mdl, chair woman

Ursula Schöndeling, director Heidelberger Kunstverein

Dr. Miya Yoshida, curator ›Sharing as Caring #6‹

9 pm
Guided Tour with Franziska Deinhammer

We invite you to a guided tour in German through the current exhibitions with Franziska Deinhammer, Art Historian B.A.

All guided tours are free of charge!

For bookings please contact us at 06221 – 184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

11 am
Guided Tour with Anica Skibba

We invite you to a guided tour in German through the current exhibitions with Anica Skibba, Art Historian B.A.

All guided tours are free of charge!

For bookings please contact us at 06221 – 184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

11 am
Guided Tour with Anica Skibba

We invite you to a guided tour in German through the current exhibition with Anica Skibba, Art Historian B.A.

All guided tours are free of charge!

For bookings please contact us at 06221 – 184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

3 pm
History Workshop Discussion with Dr. Bettina Brand-Claussen und Doris Noell-Rumpeltes

We are collecting your history and memories for the 150th Jubilee of the Heidelberger Kunstverein! All the members and  companions are called up to share their memories in form of texts, images or words. What connects you to the Kunstverein? What made a longlasting impression on you? Have you visited the presented exhibitions and do you have pictures of them?



11 am
Guided Tour with Anica Skibba

We invite you to a guided tour in German through the current exhibitions with Anica Skibba, Art Historian B.A.

All guided tours are free of charge!

For bookings please contact us at 06221 – 184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

3 pm
Visite guidée avec Léna Nicollet

Nous vous invitons à une visite guidée à travers l’exposition avec Léna Nicollet, Historienne d’Art B.A.

Toutes les visites guidées sont gratuites!

Pour toute réservation, contactez nous au 06221 – 184086 ou à l’adresse suivante : vermittlung@hdkv.de

7 pm
Bar Blau with Film screening
Kunst / Drinks / Führungen


The first Thursday of every month is set: Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks: Mojito, Moscow Mule, Cuba Libre but also non-alcoholics or beer and wine are on offer.


At 7 p.m. the movie ›Planung zu Zerstörung einer Stadt‹, 1971 will be screened, followed by a discussion with Nicole Güther und Jasmin Meinold. At 9 p.m. you can join Franziska Deinhammer, Art Historian B.A, for a tour of the exhibition. The film and the guided tour will be in German but the bar is open to all languages!


Costs: regular 4 €, concessions 2 €, members free.

(Membership for students for only 12 € per year!)


11 am
Guided Tour with Sara Ibáñez O’Donell

We invite you to a guided tour in English through the current exhibitions with Sara Ibáñez O’Donell, Culture professional.

All guided tours are free of charge!

For bookings please contact us at 06221 – 184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

11 am

экскурсия по выставке живописи


на русском языке

23 сентября 2018

с 11:00 до 12:00

работы номинантов премии в области живописи Фонда Андреаса Фельгера 2018 г.


Йорьяндер Капетильо (Yorjander Capetillo), Эрнст Фридрих Древес (Ernst Friedrich Drewes), Фридхельм Фальке (Friedhelm Falke), Надира Хусаин (Nadira Husain), Михаэль Тюммрих (Michael Thümmrich)

Экскурсовод: Яна Бельская, магистр истории искусств

Участие в экскурсии бесплатное, вход 4 евро (льготный – 2 евро)

Адрес: г. Гейдельберг, Хауптштрассе 97


Информация о выставке и фотографии работ по ссылке: https://archiv.hdkv.de/en/ или https://archiv.hdkv.de/leseraum/

11 am
Visita Guidata con Roberta Pfingsten


We invite you to a guided tour in Italian through the current exhibition with Roberta Pfingsten, Team HDKV

Tutte le visite sono gratuite ! / All visits are free of charge!

For special bookings, please contact us at 06221 – 184086 oder vermittlung@hdkv.de

7 pm
Opening WERK.STOFF Painting Award
Andreas Felger Kulturstiftung and Heidelberger Kunstverein


Opening of WERK.STOFF Painting Award with nominated artists Yorjander Capetillo, Ernst Friedrich Drewes, Friedhelm Falke, Nadira Husain und Michael Thümmrich.


07:00 p.m.


Welcome by Julia Philippi, MdL, 1st Chairwoman

Welcome by the board of the Andreas Felger Kulturstiftung

Introduction to the exhibition and the works of the participating artists

11 am
Guided Tour with Ursula Schöndeling & Finissage

We invite you to visit the Finissage of the current exhibition ›TOP_0018‹ with Ursula Schöndeling, Director of the HDKV.


Thomas Henning, Ohne Titel, 2017

11 am
Guided Tour with Yana Belskaya

We invite you to visit the current exhibition ›TOP_0018‹ with Yana Belskaya, art historian M.A. (team HDKV).


Wang Hailin: Lotusblatt, 2017

11 am
Guided tour with Yana Belskaya

We invite you to visit the current exhibition ›TOP_0018‹ with Yana Belskaya, art historian M.A. (team HDKV).


Wang Hailin: Lotusblatt, 2017

8 pm
Bar Blau and Guided Tour with Jasmin Meinold
Art / Drinks / Guided tours

The first Thursday of every month is set: Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks:

Mojito, Moscow Mule, Cuba Libre but also non-alcoholics or beer and wine are on offer.


We meet for talks and a tour of the exhibition at 9 pm with Jasmin Meinold, Curatorial Assistant HDKV.


Costs: regular 4 €, concessions 2 €, members free.

(Membership for students for only 12 € per year!)

11 am
Guided Tour with Jasmin Meinold

We invite you to visit the current exhibition ›TOP-0018‹ with Jasmin Meinold, Curatorial Assistant HDKV.


Jimmy E Langer: Phantor, 2017

11 am
Opening ›TOP_0018‹
Meisterschüler of the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe


We are glad to invite you to the opening of the exhibition ›TOP_0018‹ of the Meisterschüler of the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe!


The 23 current master students of the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe will be presenting their work at the Heidelberger Kunstverein from 22 July to 19 August 2018 with their exhibition ›TOP_0018‹. The graduates from different classes will give a comprehensive insight into their current work while they transition from higher education to professional artistic independence. The diversity of the works – which includes all forms of expression in the fields of painting, sculpture, drawing and graphics, but also video art and performance – highlights the varied possibilities of contemporary art.


At 11.00 a.m. we will start the day with a greeting and an introduction.

Wang Hailin: Lotusblatt, 2017

12 pm
Art Sunday: Open Day by Kunst Heidelberg

A Sunday full of art! On the 8th of July the members of Kunst Heidelberg, the local association of museums, galleries and art venues, invite you to a common art Sunday.


Get to know the protagonists of Heidelberg’s art landscape during guided tours through the current exhibitions, artist talks, coffee and sparkling wine.


From 12 to 8 o’clock


The program can be found at: www.kunstheidelberg.de


1 pm
Cycling tour at Art Sunday

Do not feel like exploring the exhibitions alone?

Diana Frasek and Jasmin Meinold invite you to a bike tour. In addition to many new works, we are looking forward to discussions with artists and exhibition organizers at selected exhibition venues. Meals are provided.


– – – – –


Meeting point: Foyer Kunstverein, 1 pm

Cost: 7 euros

Duration: 2.5 hours

Registration until 1.7. at vermittlung@hdkv.de

Please bring your own bike! Participation at your own responsibility.


8 pm
Guided Tour with Armin Schäfer (AAg Architects Heidelberg)
We invite you to visit the current exhibitions with Armin Schäfer


Armin Schäfer studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt. In 1995 he founded the AAg LoebnerSchäferWeber BDA in Heidelberg with Stefan Loebner and Stephan Weber. The most famous projects include the Raphael Church in Pforzheim and the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, the emergency apartments and the Peace Church in Heidelberg. Numerous awards, most recently as Special Mention in the Office category at the AIT Award 2016 for the Tankturm.


Outside perspectives: In this series, protagonists from different fields share their perspectives on the exhibitions with you. The form – whether leadership or dialogue, dialogue or lecture – is chosen by the speakers themselves. We look forward to exciting personal insights and statements from our guests and inspiring discussions!

8 pm
Bar Blau and Guided Tour with Anica Skibba
Art / Drinks / Guided tours


The first Thursday of every month is set: Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks:

Mojito, Moscow Mule, Cuba Libre but also non-alcoholics or beer and wine are on offer.


We meet for talks and a tour of the exhibition at 9 pm with Anica Skibba, art historian B.A.


Costs: regular 4 €, concessions 2 €, members free.

(Membership for students for only 12 € per year!)

7 pm
Guided Tour with Angelika Fitz (Director, Architekturzentrum Wien / member of the board of trustees, IBA Heidelberg)
We invite you to visit the current exhibitions with Angelika Fitz


Angelika Fitz is director of the Architekturzentrum Wien and member of the board of trustees of the IBA Heidelberg. Previously, she worked as a cultural theorist and curator at the interfaces of architecture, urbanism and research. Many of her projects establish multi-year platforms for knowledge transfer and co-production. In 2003 and 2005 she was commissioner for the Austrian contribution to the Architecture Biennale Sao Paulo. Recently she curated the exhibitions ›Realstadt‹ as well as the international platforms ›We-Traders. Exchange crisis against city‹ and ›Actopolis. The art of acting‹. At the Architekturzentrum Wien she was responsible for the exhibitions ›Assemble. How we build‹ and ›form follows paragraph‹. Also international publication, lecture and advisory activities.


Outside perspectives: In this series, protagonists from different fields share their perspectives on the exhibitions with you. The form – whether leadership or dialogue, dialogue or lecture – is chosen by the speakers themselves. We look forward to exciting personal insights and statements from our guests and inspiring discussions!

11 am
Visita Guidata con Roberta Pfingsten
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹


Visita Guidata con Roberta Pfingsten, Team HDKV.

12 pm
English Workshop ›City Take-Over‹
Workshop with Sara Ibánez O’Donell



This workshop will explore the ways in which artists use the city as a canvas for critical work. From public interventions to trace­less works that intervene in the city’s soundscapes, the first part will consist of a presentation about site­ specific art in the city. During the second part, participants will explore the surroundings of the HDKV together and convey ideas for a potential future hacking project. This could be a collective or individual performance or a visual inter­vention.



– Minimum 6 people

– Duration: 3 hours
– Price: 5 Euro
– With Sara Ibánez O’Donell, Culture professional and Anica Skibba, art historian B.A.
– Sign up until 27.6. via 06221–184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de


Urban Hacking Workshop, Mannheim 2016. Foto: © Philipp Brückner

4 pm
Guided Tour with Dr. Lukas Ley (Institute of Ethnology, University of Heidelberg)
We invite you to visit the current exhibitions with Dr. Ing. Lukas Ley.


Dr. Lukas Ley is a research assistant at the Institute of Ethnology at the University of Heidelberg. In his research, Lukas Ley deals with urban infrastructure and its influence on identity, future visions and concepts of belonging. His seminars revolve around urban anthropology, urban ethnography and human-environment relationships. In the current semester, he introduces ethnology students to the methods of urban ethnography using the example of the Heidelberg Bahnstadt.



Outside perspectives: In this series, protagonists from different fields share their perspectives on the exhibitions with you. The form – whether leadership or dialogue, dialogue or lecture – is chosen by the speakers themselves. We look forward to exciting personal insights and statements from our guests and inspiring discussions!

11 am
English Guided Tour with Sara Ibáñez O’Donnell
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹

English Guided Tour with Sara Ibáñez O’Donnell, Culture and Public Engagement professional.

11 am
Guided Tour with Maximilian Bauer
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹


We invite you to a tour through the current exhibitions with Maximilian Bauer, artist and art educator.

7 pm
Visite Guidée avec Franziska Deinhammer
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹

Visite Guidée avec Franziska Deinhammer, historienne d’art B.A.

7 pm
Art Fest ›Utopia‹


Together with the Kurpfälzisches Museum, the Kunstverein invites you to a big summer party. This year’s motto is >Utopia<. Both houses and the garden are open until late at night!

Learn about the exhibitions during short tours and interviews with experts, and win the raffle ticket for the midnight flashlight tour of the museum together with the director Mr Hepp. With hands-on activities, young and old guests can let their creative vibe run wild.

Wine and cocktail bars as well as numerous culinary delicacies with musical accompaniment in the garden provide for a relaxing and inspiring night. We look forward to a great party with you!


– Admission: 5 euros

– a detailed program will be announced in the evening

– Members of the Kunstverein and Friends of the Museum as well as children and adolescents up to the age of 16 have free admission

7 pm
Adnan Softic´: ›Bigger Than‹ / ›Eine bessere Geschichte‹

Adnan Softic´talks about the making of national history thorought architecture and urbanism using the example of Scopje 2014.

8 pm
Bar Blau and Guided tour with Anica Skibba
Art / Drinks / Guided tours


The first Thursday of every month is set: Bar Blau at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


The cafeteria becomes a bar and our crew conjures up fresh drinks:


Mojito, Moscow Mule, Margarita …………. but also non-alcoholic or beer and wine are on offer.



We meet for talks and a tour of the exhibition at 9 pm with Anica Skibba, art historian B.A.



Costs: regular 4 €, concessions 2 €, members free.


(Membership for students for only 12 € per year!)

11 am
Guided Tour with Anica Skibba
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹


We invite you to visit the current exhibitions with Anica Skibba, art historian B.A.

5 pm
›Wunschbilder‹ – Let´s celebrate together!

The project ›Wunschbilder‹ participants, the artists Janet Grau and Ali Moraly invite you to a Syrian meal, talks and music.

11 am
Guided Tour with Maximilian Bauer
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹


We invite you to a tour through the current exhibitions with Maximilian Bauer, artist and art educator.

6 pm
Performance and Discussion: Naiza Khan ›Notes for a structure we cannot See‹
Discussants: Monica Juneja, Karin Zitzewitz and Henry Keazor


in collaboration with Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies


Pakistani artist Naiza Khan reads from her journal recording a decade-long engagement with Manora, an island close to Karachi, whose sites she has re-visited through a range of media, including drawings, video work, objects in brass, paintings and narrative text.  In her performance and the discussion that follows, Khan explores ways to reimagine spatial histories amidst the everyday violence of postcolonial globalization.



Monica Juneja, Professor of Global Art History, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies,

Humboldt Fellow Karin Zitzewitz, Professor of Art History, Michigan State University,

Henry Keazor, Professor, Institute of Art History of the University of Heidelberg


The event is part of a continuing collaboration between the Heidelberger Kunstverein and the Chair of Global Art History of the Heidelberg Centre of Transcultural Studies. It has been planned as Stadtgespräch, the third of a series initiated at the HCTS to engage in conversations with members of the Heidelberg community.

Naiza Khan (* 1968, Pakistan) lives and works between London and Karachi. Her work has been widely exhibited, including at Lahore Biennale 01 (2018), Art Basel Hong Kong (2017), the Kochi-Muziris Biennale (2016-17), the Shanghai Biennale (2012), the Cairo Biennale (2010), Hanging Fire: Contemporary Art from Pakistan at Asia Society, New York (2009); Art Decoding Violence, XV Biennale Donna, Ferrara, Italy (2012); Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain (2010) and Desperately Seeking Paradise, Art Dubai (2008).

5 pm
Introduction for teachers and educators
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹


For prospective and practicing educators we offer an introduction to the exhibitions of the Kunstverein and present possible connections to teaching topics as well as creative approaches.



We ask for binding registration until 9.5. under 06221-184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de.

4 pm
Guided Tour with Maximilian Bauer
›Stadtansichten‹ // ›Crossing‹ // ›Wunschbilder‹

We invite you to a tour through the current exhibitions with Maximilian Bauer, artist and art educator.

4 pm
Artistic Talk with Florian Glaubitz and Robin Kirchner

Florian Glaubitz and Robin Kirchner talk about their Photoseries ›Crossing‹ and their artistic work.

2 pm
Finissage: Guided tour with Ursula Schöndeling

Join the director Ursula Schöndeling for the last tour to the exhibition.

7 pm
Film Bar: Heidelbergerer Stückemarkt ›Pizzas for the People‹
Bar, Fimscreening and Artist Talk

To kick off the Theater Festival Heidelberger Stückenmarkt with the host country Southcorea, we will show, in cooperation with the Heidelberg orchester and theater, the movie ›Pizzas for the People‹ (60 min., 2009) of the southcorean artist, designer and filmmaker Hwang Kim (*1980).

Kim Jong-II loves pizza and decide to open in 2009 an Italian restaurant despite the political and cultural isolation of Northcorea. Only the political elite is allowed to eat in that restaurant. To open up the restaurant to everybody, Hwang Kim decides to produce a satirical fiction documentary. In ›Pizzas for the People‹ he shows how to make pizza in his own kitchen and more. To allow his movie to be seen by the northcorean people, Hwang Kin smuggled the DVD to Northcorea thorough China and had it to be sold on the black market.

At the end of the screening there will be a discussion with the artist and cocktails at the bar blau.

9 pm
Guided tour with Anica Skibba

Join Anica Skibba, art historian, for an informal tour to the exhibition.

7 pm
Outside perspective with Marianne Mueller

Enjoy a special tour to the present exhibtion with Marianne Mueller.

Marianne Mueller operates together with Jens Casper and Olaf Kneer the architecture studio Casper Mueller Kneer located in London and Berlin, whose focus is on the realisation of projects in the field of art, culture and fashion. She founded the research group Concrete Geometries, which deals with the interaction between built forms and social processes. Since 2017 she has been professor at the art academy in Stuttgart.


Marianne Mueller studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt and the Architectural Association (AA), London. Together with the studio Casper Mueller Kneer she realized international awarded projects, among them: White Cube Bermondsey (London), Sammlung Boros (Berlin), Celine Flagshipstores (Tokyo, New York, London).

3 pm
History workshop conversation
with the HDKV team

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

11 am
Guided tour with Anica Skibba

Join Anica Skibba, art historian, for an informal tour to the exhibition.


3 pm
History workshop conversation
with Hans and Rosi Gercke

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

12 pm
History workshop conversation
with Katja Arnold, Yvonne Vogel

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

7 pm
Bar Blau: Art ´n Drinks
Art / Drinks / Guided Tours

Enjoy fresh (non)alcoholic drinks, like Gin Mule or Mojito, informal conversations, music, and contemporary art. Meet people, start talking, have some fun. We invite you to our ›Bar Blau‹ at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.

Join a special rundgang with the architects Dea Ecker and Robert Piotrowski through the current exhibition at 7 pm.

And after that Nicolas Reinhart, alias Tape Jockey zwischenfischen, will make some musik with his tapebag.

Costs: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free.

Bar Blau is  a continuing event settled on the first Thursday of every month while exhibitions are presented.

7 pm
Outside perspective with Dea Ecker and Robert Piotrowski

Enjoy a special tour to the present exhibition with Dea Ecker and Robert Piotrowski.

Dea Ecker and Robert Piotrowski met Jean-Pascal Flavien in the nineties in Chicago. They were working there as Architechts and teached at the Faculty of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Since 2000 they have been living in the Heidelberg region and they and ran the Studio „Ecker-Architekten“. Dea Ecker and Robert Piotrowski take us to y tour through the ›house with things behind‹ and outline their impressions to this extraordinary project on a personal and professional perspective.

The conversation will be in German and English and there will be a simultaneous interpretation in both languages.

Robert Piotrowski is, beside architect and interior architecht, insider awards for interior architecture´patron and member of the Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten. Dea Ecker is active outside the region in the field of building culture and she is member of important juries. Ecker Architekten´s projects have been awarded with many architectural prizes and they are regularly published in Germany and abroad.


6 pm
Guided tour with Jasmin Meinold

Join Jasmin Meinold, curatorial assistant, for an informal tour to the exhibition.


3 pm
History workshop conversation
with Cholud Kassem

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

7 pm
Klub Arte: Drawing Night
Drawing Night for Students and not

Join us to the drawing night in Heidelberger Kunstverein! On the occasion of Flavien Exhibition we would like to explore the relationship between human being and architectur, body and space with a pencil, a camera and a discussion. Drinks, Music and some paper will be there. Please bring somthing to draw, a camera and whatever you like to work on.

– You can find other dates on FB / Klub Arte!

–  Don´t forget to join the HDKV Students Club! Only 12 Euro a year! Visit www.hdkv.de/en/about/

11 am
Guided Tour with Maximilian Bauer

Join Maximilian Bauer, artist and art mediator , for an informal tour to the exhibition.

Tour in German.

3 pm
Architectural and artistic workshop: CANCELLED!

An artist build a blue sky house in the Kunstverein …

We wonder what does it hide ? and explore the house in the hall.

There are many surprises, Jean-Pascal Flavien designed and built a house, which is different from all other houses.

Where is the roof and the windows? What is growing in the front yard? And which kind of forniture is there inside? Why does he store so many different materials inside?

Enjoy Diana, Maximilian and Kathrin in this discovery tour.

Togehter we want to look at the house from different perspectives and ask ourselves: How would it be to live hier? How many stories are there in the house to be told?

At the end you can design your own house. We have a lot of different materials you can dispose of.

Do you want to join us? Please subscribe till 16.3. at Team Kunstvermittlung 06221–184086 or vermittlung@hdkv.de

3 pm
History workshop conversation
with Dr. Dietmar Schuth

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

11 am
Italian guided tour with Roberta Pfingsten

Join Roberta Pfingsten, Team HDKV, for an informal tour to the exhibition.

Tour in Italian. Visita guidata in italiano.

12 pm
History workshop conversation
with Selini Andres, Dr. Brigitte Schoch-Joswig

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

6 pm
French guided tour with Franziska Deinhammer

Join Franziska Deinhammer, art student and member of the HDKV team, for an informal tour to the exhibition.

Tour in French.

6 pm
Artist talk with Jean-Pascal Flavien (anticipated)

Conversation with Felix Utting and Jean-Pascal Flavien
Jean-Pascal Flavien realized the ›house with things behind‹ in Heidelberger Kunstverein and invited Felix Utting living into the house for a few days. At the end of his stay Felix Uttig will talk about his experience togehter with Jean-Pascal Flavien.



11 am
English guided tour with Sara Ibánez O´Donnell

Join Sara Ibánez O´Donnell, culture professional, for an informal tour to the exhibition.

Tour in English.


7 pm
Guided tour with Maximilian Bauer

Join Maximilian Bauer, artist and art mediator , for an informal tour to the exhibition.

We celebrate the international women day with a free admission to the guided tour!

Tour in German.

3 pm
History workshop conversation
with Peter and Edith Schramm

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

7 pm
Bar Blau – Art ´n Drinks
Art / Drinks / Guided Tours

Enjoy fresh (non)alcoholic drinks, like Gin Mule or Mojito, informal conversations, music and contemporary art. Meet people, start talking, have some fun. We invite you to our ›Bar Blau‹ at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.

Join René Zechlin, director at Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen, for a tour through the current exhibition at 7 pm.

Costs: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free.

Bar Blau is  a continuing event settled on the first Thursday of every month while exhibitions are presented.

7 pm
Outside perspective with René Zechlin

Join us to a tour around Jean-Pascal Flavien´s exhibition with René Zechlin, director of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen since 2015.

René Zechlin curated a series of fascinating solo exhibtions with Hans Op deBeek (2012), Ulla von Brandenburg (2014) and Tomás Saraceno (2017). The artists designed different scenarios and multi-parts sequence of spaces for the museums in Hannover and Ludwigshafen.

René Zechlin studied art history, economics and philosophy in Stuttgart. He was curator at the Frankfurter Kunstverein, leaded the Lewis Glucksman Gallery in Cork, Irland, and the Kunstverein Hannover. He released a lot of publications about contemporary art.

3 pm
History workshop conversation
with Hans and Rosi Gercke, Inge L. Klinger, Christmut Präger

We collect your stories and memories for the 150 years of Heidelberger Kunstverein. All members and companions are invited to participate with their memories and to bring photos, scripts and stories. You will explore with us the Heidelberger Kunstverein photo archives and help us in mapping them and/or you can bring your own photos. Do you remember a special moment, exhibition, event or artist position, which strongly impressed you?

Come and join the history workshop and tell us your story!

Would you like to share a story with us, but you don´t have time at the specific date? Give us a call and we can organize another appoinment with you: 06221–184086 or per mail nicole.guether@hdkv.de.

5 pm
Guided tour for educators and teachers

We provide an introduction to the exhibition for educators and teachers. We highlight Flavien artistic work and establish connections and creative ideas to your teaching activity.

Please register to attend the tour via telephone 06221-184086 or via mail vermittlung@hdkv.de

7 pm
Exhibition opening: Jean-Pascal Flavien, History workshop
Jean-Pascal Flavien / History Workshop


We kindly invite you to join us for the exhibition opening:


Jean-Pascal Flavien: ‘house with things behind’

History workshop: 150 years of the Heidelberger Kunstverein


Reception: Julia Philippi, chairwoman

Introduction to Jean-Pascal Flavien ‘house with things behind’: Ursula Schöndeling, Director

Introduction to ‘history workshop’: Jasmin Meinold, curatorial assistance, Nicole Güther and Patrick Trappendreher, research assistants


3 pm
Jean-Pascal Flavien: Artist Talk

Jean-Pascal Flavien will discuss with Ursula Schöndeling  his current exhibition and the upcoming projects.

7 pm
English Guided Tour

Join Sara Ibáñez O’Donnell, Culture and Public Engagement professional, for a guided tour through all exhibitions.

This tour is in english only!

7 pm
Wolfgang Plöger: Artist Talk

Wolfgang Plöger added new Series to his extensive >Google Image Search Library< (2003-now). He will talk about his new work, the idea behind the exhibition und his new books in conversation with the director Ursula Schöndeling.


11 am
English Guided Tour

Join Sara Ibáñez O’Donnell, Culture and Public Engagement professional, for a guided tour through all exhibitions.

This tour is in english only!

6 pm
The Documenta Principle
Challenges, strategies and limit of the curatorial approach in a global context.
3 pm
Elif Erkan: Artist Talk

Elif Erkan will discuss with Ursula Schöndeling her work and her idea of sculpture.

8 pm
KlangForum Concert: Herbst(aus)klang

Under the direction of Walter Nußbaum, Schola Heidelberg and the ensemble aisthesis will perform music by Mazzochi, Stradella, Ustwolskaja, Bach, Lachenmann, Witzenmann u.a. The second part of the concert will be devoted to Roswitha Sperber to celebrate her 80th birthday with music by Galina Ustwolskaja and Rebecca Saunders. Roswitha Sperber founded the Heidelberger Künstlerinnenpreis and the Heidelberg Festival to distinguish modern female componists.

At the end of the concert Roswitha Sperber will offer a little refreshment.

Tickets: 20 Euro (regular) / 15 Euro (members and seniors) / 10 Euro (students)

Presale: Zigarren Grimm, RNZ or www.klangforum-heidelberg.de

7 pm
Opening of the Exhibition: Wolfgang Plöger, Jean-Pascal Flavien, Elif Erkan

We invite you to the opening of the exhibitions

Elif Erkan: ›Bag Answers‹
Jean-Pascal Flavien: ›Protocols‹
Wolfgang Plöger: ›After This Comes That Before That Comes This‹
Adress of Welcome: Julia Philippi, Chairwoman

Introduction: Ursula Schöndeling, Director

The artists are present!

11 am
Finissage: Guided Tour and Artist Talk with Richard Frater and Ursula Schöndeling, Director


Join Ursula Schöndeling, Director of the Heidelberger Kunstverein, for an informal introduction to the exhibition and display of ›Resisting Images‹.


Richard Frater will talk about his work ›April, 2015‹, participating in Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie and other projects. Please join us for a discussion!

Richard Frater was born in 1984 in Wellington (NZ), currently lives in Berlin (GER). In 2016 he was a participant in the Berlin Program for Artists. Today he is a guest mentor. Recent exhibitions include This Time of Useful Consciousness, Dowse Art Museum, Wellington, NZ. Production: Made in Germany, Kunstverein Hannover; Living Cities 2011-, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington, NZ, 2015.


Richard Frater: April, 2015 /2017 (Detail), Photo: Andreas Langfeld

9 pm
Guided Tour with Anica Skibba



Join Anica Skibba, student and member of the HDKV team , for an informal introduction to the exhibition and display of ›Resisting Images‹.

8 pm
Bar Blau – Art ‘n Drinks
Art / Drinks / Guided Tours


Bar Blau – Art ‘n Drinks


Enjoy fresh (non)alcoholic drinks, like Gin Mule or Mojito, informal conversations, music, and contemporary art. Meet people, start talking, have some fun. We invite you to our ›Bar Blau‹ at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


Join Anica Skibba, student of art history and member of the HDKV team, for an easy tour through the current exhibition at 9 pm.


Costs: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free.


Bar Blau is  a continuing event settled on the first Thursday of every month while exhibitions are presented.

12 pm
Photo Workshop: Analog Photography in the Mobile Darkroom
Developing negatives Analogue Practice



Due to the rise of digital photography the analogue process of developing negatives in the darkroom seems to have become a romantic practice, almost exclusively reserved for experts of analogue techniques. During six days this experience will become accessible for everyone as the mobile darkroom makes stops in public places in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen.
Every day there is a portrait session, during which one can have one’s photo made with a large format camera. The negatives are then developed in the darkroom, the prints can be taken home as a souvenir.


No costs and no registration (open to all passers-by and interested people)


Location: in front of the Heidelberger Kunstverein
From 12 to 4 pm


12 pm
Photo Workshop: Analog Photography in the Mobile Darkroom
Developing negatives Analogue Practice



Due to the rise of digital photography the analogue process of developing negatives in the darkroom seems to have become a romantic practice, almost exclusively reserved for experts of analogue techniques. During six days this experience will become accessible for everyone as the mobile darkroom makes stops in public places in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen.
Every day there is a portrait session, during which one can have one’s photo made with a large format camera. The negatives are then developed in the darkroom, the prints can be taken home as a souvenir.


No costs and no registration (open to all passers-by and interested people)


Location: in front of the Anatomiegarten, Hauptstraße 49
From 12 to 4 pm


7 pm
Guided Tour with Anica Skibba


Join Anica Skibba, student and member of the HDKV team , for an informal introduction to the exhibition and display of ›Resisting Images‹.


2 pm
Curator´s Tour with Boaz Levin
Resiting Images led by Curator Boaz Levin



Boaz Levin (born in 1989 in Jerusalem) is a member of the curatorial committee of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie. During the tour, the curator will provide insights into his exhibition concept as well as into the work of the selected artists.

Boaz Levin studied art at Bezalel Academy of Arts, Jerusalem and at University of the Arts, Berlin under the supervision of Hito Steyerl.
With Hito Steyerl, Fred Lamb and Vera Tollmann, he founded the ›Research Center for Proxy Politics‹ in 2014. The Center comprises a group of artists, academics, and activists who research and formulate the effects of digital change on society and politics. The results are published on a website http://rcpp.lensbased.net/.

He lives as an artist, writer, researcher and free curator in Berlin and Jerusalem.

12 pm
›Death of Street Photography or Death of the Right on One’s Own Photo?’ Panel Discussion

Panel held in German.

What about photographing strangers in public? Are there any rights to protect individuals from being photographed without their permission?  Are the laws applied to the ›Street photography‹ different from the ones applied to snapshots of private individuals? The topic of this event will be the question, how the conflicting interests of undisturbed art practice and the protection of privacy in a digital society can be effectively taken into account. Here the well-known representatives from jurisprudence, advocacy and art will express their opinions.


An event within the framework of the XI. Heidelberger Kunstrechtstage of the Institute for Art and Law (ifkur) in cooperation with the German Society for Photography (DGPh).


Admission free

7 pm
Tour with Jasmin Meinold



Join Jasmin Meinold, curatorial assistant, for an informal introduction to the exhibition and display of ›Resisting Images‹.

2 pm
Heidelberg City Tour


During the City Tour you have an opportunity to be guided through all participating exhibition venues of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie of a city in one day (duration: approx. 3 hours).


Please note that long walks are to be expected.
Registration required: Tel .: 0621 293 3837, E-Mail: info@biennalefotografie.de


Meeting point: Sammlung Prinzhorn, Voßstraße 2, 69115 Heidelberg
Fee: 6 € per person

12 pm
›Behind the scenes‹
What is actually the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie, and how are such exhibitions created?



Yasmin Meinicke, the Managing Director, explains how the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie has become what it is today; and how this curated photo festival construct works across three cities, two federal states and seven exhibition venues.


Practical questions about the exhibition structure, loans, etc. are answered by the exhibition coordinator Christoph Blass.
The event is an offer of the Volkshochschule Heidelberg e.V.


●        Registration via: www.vhs-hd.de
●        Fee: 9 euros

8 pm
Shumona Sinha Reading cancelled
Shumona Sinha introduces her new book ›Stateless‹

Due to illness the reading was unfortunately cancelled

Reading / Excerpts: Shumona Sinha (French)
Translation: Thomas Städtler (German)
Moderation: Erika Mursa
Shumona Sinha was one of the highlights of the ›Heidelberg Literature Festival 2017‹. In the Heidelberger Kunstverein she presents her latest book, which comes out in September 2017 in Edition Nautilus.


In strong images the author writes about three women, who face a ruthless regime – in Paris as well as in Calcutta. They are uprooted, homeless, never quite at home in a society where women and newcomers have it especially hard. In the current age, shaped by growing distrust, fear, and even hatred, the ›Stateless‹ is an important and unique literary voice.


Shumona Sinha, born 1973 in Calcutta, has lived in Paris since 2001. For her novel ›Let’s Beat Up the Poor!‹ (2015) she received i.a. the International Literature Prize of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. Her third novel Calcutta (2016) has also won several prizes, including the Prix du Rayonnement de la langue et de la littérature française of the Académie française and the Grand Prix du Roman de la Société des gens de lettres.


An event of the institution for German-French cultures in cooperation with the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


●        Tickets: 8 euros at the door, reduced 5 euros
●        Doors open from 7:30 pm


11 am
Guided Tour with Maximilian Bauer


Join Maximilian Bauer, artist and art mediator, for an informal introduction to the exhibition and display of ›Resisting Images‹.


8 pm
Bar Blau – Art ‘n Drinks
Art / Drinks / Guided tours


Special Event: Ingo Schulze reading his new novel ›Peter Holtz‹  at 8 pm


Bar Blau – Art ‘n Drinks  (starting 9:30 pm)


Enjoy fresh (non)alcoholic drinks like Gin Mule or Mojito, informal coversation, music, and contemporary art. Meet people, start talking, have some fun. We invite you in to our ›Bar Blau‹ at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.


Join Maximilian Bauer, artist and art mediator, for an easy tour through the current exhibition at 9:30 pm.


Costs: regular 4 €, reduced 2 €, members free. (For the reading a special fee is charged)


Bar Blau is  a continuing event settled on the first Thursday of every month while exhibitions are presented.

8 pm
Ingo Schulze reads ›Peter Holtz‹
In cooperation with ›Allerorts: Literatur!‹

Reading in German.

Ingo Schulze is one of the most renowned German authors of his generation. His debut, ›33 Moments of Happiness‹ (1995), was met with enthusiasm; some of the stories from the book were published in the New Yorker. ›Simple Stories‹ (1998) was a spectacular success and has become a book read schools. He was awarded the Leipzig Book Fair Prize for ›Handy‹ (2007), and the Joseph Breitbach Prize for ›Neue Leben‹ (2005). His work has been translated into more than 30 languages. A new novel ›Peter Holtz. Sein glückliches Leben erzählt von ihm selbst‹ – written down and prepared for printing by Ingo Schulze, comes out in early September.


About the book:
Peter Holtz dreams about happiness for everyone. Even as a child, he practices the abolition of money, contrives punk out of the spirit of the working-class songs, and converts himself to christianity. As a CDU member (East), he fights for the christian-communist democracy. However, he wonders: the flow of the world contradicts all logic. His selflessness only enriches the market economy. Has he fought for the wrong side? Or for the right, but in a wrong way? And above all: how will he get rid of the money with decency? Peter Holtz challenges the promises of capitalism. With wit and poetry, Ingo Schulze creates a character who has not yet existed, and whom we need today: in times when the world turns upside down. From an orphan to a millionaire. What could go wrong?


As part of ›Allerorts: Literatur!‹, a new initiative by the Karlstorbahnhof started in the beginning of 2016 and supported by numerous sponsors, writers present their works at diverse venues of the city. Literature goes on a trip – to new thoughts and places. It brings language to the exciting places in the city and invites you to explore the promising shores of the literary city of Heidelberg.


The evening is moderated by Beatrice Faßbender.
Click here to buy tickets

9:30 pm
Guided Tour with Maximilian Bauer


Join Maximilian Bauer, artist and art mediator, for an informal introduction to the exhibition and display of ›Resisting Images‹.


11 am
InstaWalk with ›This Ain’t Art School‹


Together with the freelance author, instagramer and ›This Ain’t Art School‹- founder Anika Meier, you will go on a tour around all the exhibition venues of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie in Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Heidelberg.



●        Meeting point: Kunstverein Ludwigshafen (Bismarckstraße 44-48, 67059 Ludwigshafen on Rhein)
●        Fee: free of charge
●        Registration: @thisaintartschool

9 am
Member’s Trip: Venice Biennale


Two German artists, Anne Imhof and Franz Erhard Walther, were awarded the Golden Lion, one of the internationally renowned art awards. The award to the German pavilion was frantically celebrated and harsh criticised at the same time. Together with you, we would like to make our own impression: we will explore the National Participations of other countries in the pavilions, also outside the Giardini venues, and form a Heidelberg Jury. Just as well, we will make a tour around the extensive group exhibition ›Viva Arte Viva‹, curated by Christine Macel.

The trip is accompanied by Ursula Schöndeling and Jasmin Meinold.

5 pm
Artist Talk as part of the ›Long Night of Photography‹



Boaz Levin, Merle Kröger and Philipp Scheffner discuss the work on the film ›Havarie‹ (93 min); the source material for the film was a short YouTube video about a refugee boat with engine damage. The film was shot by a traveler on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean sea.



5 pm                          Reading and film screening


7 pm                                 Discussion


6 pm
Long Night of Photography



As part of the ›Long Night of Photography‹, the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie and the OFF // PHOTO open all partaking exhibitions venues till late in the evening. Visitors will have a chance to explore the numerous and diverse photography sites and go on a discovery tour. This will turn the exhibitions into places of encounter, and the art of photography will become accessible for everyone.
The Heidelberger Kunstverein offers the ›Tour de Photo‹ as part of the ›Long Night of Photography‹.

7:30 pm
›Tour de Photo‹


In the frame of the “Long Night of Photography”, Diana Frasek and Kathrin Nicklas invite you for a cycling tour (duration: approx. till 9 pm).
We will start at the Kunstverein and head to some of the OFF // FOTO locations, where we will enjoy the works of art and conversations. Catering is provided.
Registration by Wednesday, September 20th via vermittlung@hdkv.de or by phone: 06221 184086.
The exact program will be sent via e-mail.

7 pm
Workshop: ›The Agony of Vote‹



Election posters are everywhere!


Which one appeals to you? Which one leaves you indifferent?


Which poster would you choose?


Diana Frasek and Kathrin Nicklas explore the exhibition ›Resisting Images‹ with you. This includes group talks and an opportunity to create your own posters as collages, enjoying music and drinks.


Fee: 2 euros

6 pm
Expert talk: ›How Dangerous is Photography?‹



Dr. Nausikaä El-Mecky (PostDoc Cultural Heritage, Project heiEDUCATION) and Sylvia Ballhause speak about the manipulation, censorship and circulation of images in the current political context.


Moderation: Sylvia Ballhause, artist and curator for photography

11 am
Opening of ›Resisting Images‹ followed by Artist Talk at the Heidelberger Kunstverein
Opening of the exhibition ›Resisting Images‹ of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie at the Heidelberger Kunstverein.




11 — 11:15 am

Welcome address by Stefan Hohenadl, Board of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie

Ursula Schöndeling, Director of the Heidelberger Kunstverein
Boaz Levin, Curator of the exhibition


11:15 am — 1:15 pm

Artist Talks



Boaz Levin in a discussion with belit sağ and Fred Lonidier about the politics of representation and the antinomies of documentary photography.
Mark Soo presents his project “Madame Guillotine”: a political history of photographic imaging.


(both discussions are in English)

7 pm
Opening of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie ›Farewell Photography‹ at Port25 in Mannheim
Port25 — Space for Contemporary Art



From 7 pm:

Opening ceremony of the ›Farewell Photography‹ at Port25 — Space for Contemporary Art


Welcome address:

Sabine Schirra, Board of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie




Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and Art, Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Peter Kurz, Mayor of the City of Mannheim




Florian Ebner, Fabian Knierim, Boaz Levin, Kerstin Meincke, Christin Müller, Kathrin Schönegg


followed by music and bar

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